e1b0efb bump version by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-03-14 22:45:13 +0800;
1c3e3d0 update for bioccheck by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-03-14 22:29:15 +0800;
2be9019 remove donttest and dontrun by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-03-12 18:46:14 +0800;
a8c5c72 update news and bump version by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-03-12 18:42:13 +0800;
9fcd29a more unit tests by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-03-12 18:35:23 +0800;
928e310 update spatialCoords<- when rownames of value is missing by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-03-12 18:34:50 +0800;
fee0489 typo and using donttest instead of dontrun by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-03-12 14:39:25 +0800;
2c10b53 remove repetition code by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-03-12 14:36:41 +0800;
de24de0 add Installation section by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-03-12 11:51:33 +0800;
e9ae26a remove unused code by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-03-12 10:49:37 +0800;
f8b539b update news and bump version by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-02-25 19:48:16 +0800;
3bb8c70 add prop.score by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-02-25 19:37:48 +0800;
c6ec0c5 group.by supporting a vector by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-02-25 17:47:09 +0800;
aedfadf avoid warning for bioc check by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-02-08 00:14:18 +0800;
9bda2b4 update vignette using mob data by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-02-07 23:33:03 +0800;
12aa4de using mob data by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2025-02-07 23:32:30 +0800;
9a06b9e speed up runGLOBALBV by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-31 18:12:43 +0800;
93129d2 ignore gh-pages by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-24 11:36:50 +0800;
0e63af8 remove the tab of some lines by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-24 11:34:53 +0800;
2f04193 adjust the method of subset columns by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-24 11:34:00 +0800;
09c46e2 using reduction when reduction.used provided by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-24 11:27:59 +0800;
ab4e23c add flag.method argument for lisa method by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-24 11:26:33 +0800;
f2fb858 adjust the length of some rd lines by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-17 14:38:32 +0800;
039a7d8 add rworkflows by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-12 20:39:29 +0800;
4c8c4e3 add suggest pkg by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-12 17:20:21 +0800;
122a85b update makefile by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-12 13:50:49 +0800;
97e2667 add GeneTarget biocview according to the bioccheck by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-12 12:33:30 +0800;
cba11e6 obtain the demonstration data from the github online by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-12 12:32:58 +0800;
e942037 fix the = and T issue to pass bioccheck by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-12 12:31:30 +0800;
b886e35 add value in rd by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-12 12:30:17 +0800;
e319ae3 rm large file to reduce the size of pkg by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-12 12:29:38 +0800;
6b15d15 update suggest pkgs for vignette of SVP by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-11 21:52:22 +0800;
44808c7 update vignettes of SVP by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-11 21:14:54 +0800;
18971de add dataset by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-11 21:13:48 +0800;
2190c66 update rd by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-11 21:12:56 +0800;
f17abc6 add plot_heatmap_globalbv by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-10 14:00:29 +0800;
a4c5a2e fix when weight is provided directly in spatial analysis by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-12-05 20:28:42 +0800;
c8f8690 new version BiocNeighbors by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-11-29 21:59:33 +0800;
e5eb1d2 update rd of runGLOBALBV by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-11-25 22:39:23 +0800;
cb9242b update the rd of runGLOBALBV by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-11-25 22:30:24 +0800;
1ba6322 using mantel test for global lee test by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-11-25 22:30:05 +0800;
695fb4f mean with na.rm=TRUE by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-11-11 16:58:56 +0800;
73e55d4 update doc of runSGSA by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-11-07 22:01:39 +0800;
5219576 optimizing cell-adjacent matix construction when group.by is provided by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-11-01 17:25:16 +0800;
b96f077 check whether normalize the weight matrix by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-29 21:02:09 +0800;
4d78005 adjust the order in tidying rwr output by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-29 21:01:43 +0800;
2c35350 rm some redundant functions by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-29 21:00:48 +0800;
0541c9c update the verification of sparse matrix by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-23 21:40:47 +0800;
660d389 avoid re-loop in the calculation of global and local lee by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-22 17:38:50 +0800;
983f321 adjust the outerdot by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-21 22:41:18 +0800;
290af59 fill NA with zero in assay table by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-20 12:13:54 +0800;
33b4877 ignore spatial coord and update rd by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-20 12:12:57 +0800;
deb98b2 add extract_weight_adj function by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-16 13:29:22 +0800;
28da80a update example of runMCA by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-16 13:24:43 +0800;
0a1a4c2 using colKnn to replace the colRanks by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-15 11:36:21 +0800;
9dd85c5 update the method to generate weight matrix by a specified category by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-15 11:13:19 +0800;
c37a7b9 update internal c code of getisord by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-15 11:12:17 +0800;
abf16e4 using sp_mat in kld by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-15 10:11:41 +0800;
f0174b8 using pairknn to replace pairdist to reduce the memory usage by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-12 11:37:27 +0800;
1345b0b update rd of some spatial analysis functions by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-12 11:31:34 +0800;
363facc using findKmknn to build weighted matrix by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-11 13:36:55 +0800;
b32c48b typo by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-10 21:19:20 +0800;
06550e8 add cal_lisa_f1 function by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-10 18:14:09 +0800;
65b5a28 check the dgcMatrix by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-10 18:12:43 +0800;
8b78251 update example of runLISA and runLOCALBV by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-10 14:44:01 +0800;
111a34c add LISAsce by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-10 14:43:36 +0800;
77e172a typo by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-09 22:23:13 +0800;
e3c0f16 Merge branch 'sp_mat_in_c++' by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-09 22:09:22 +0800;
ea9c660 add runENCODE by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-09 22:09:11 +0800;
464675d keep sp_mat in c++ by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-09 22:00:56 +0800;
f9e4428 using sp_mat in c++ for autocorrelation by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-08 21:40:50 +0800;
05a35df using sp_mat in c++ for runLISA, runGLOBALBV and runLOCALBV by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-10-08 17:39:24 +0800;
7d0bc7b update readme by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-09-21 20:34:36 +0800;
0400fbe typo by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-09-03 18:57:17 +0800;
6b33947 fixed when matrix-like object of assays is not dgCMatrix by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-28 15:29:15 +0800;
7ecf0e3 using sparse weighted matrix in R by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-17 10:56:26 +0800;
82763b6 update man of runGLOBALBV by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-16 14:51:11 +0800;
6326bc4 runLISA using RcppParallel by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-16 14:39:51 +0800;
6d1b097 include colData in runLISA and runDetectSVG for SVPExperiment by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-16 11:50:02 +0800;
bd66474 build weighed adjacency matrix based on the same category are adjacent by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-14 20:15:25 +0800;
3f3fddd introduce rmrd arg in as_tbl_df for lisa result by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-09 18:24:04 +0800;
6eee921 add geneSets column in rowData by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-09 18:22:52 +0800;
d251607 update readme by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-09 17:08:45 +0800;
b5989ee update readme by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-09 17:06:42 +0800;
766f374 using spatial coords or redution coords by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-09 16:42:15 +0800;
0a68151 update SVPExperiment construct by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-08-06 21:12:52 +0800;
95e344e introduce across.gsvaexp arg in runLOCALBV by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-07-17 22:28:29 +0800;
c64f235 typo by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-07-10 20:38:39 +0800;
73dcda7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-07-10 20:11:36 +0800;
6a364e4 add some setters function for SVPExperiment object by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-07-10 20:11:28 +0800;
b3f1022 add runCORR for traditional correlation by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-07-09 21:18:53 +0800;
8b10d75 introduce gsvaexp.features and update the man of lisa by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-07-03 17:38:47 +0800;
45f889c fix the issue of compile in Windows by
xiangpin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-06-29 21:34:46 +0800;
37da849 update the make config for src by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-06-24 15:59:26 +0800;
58abc9e export althernative for global lee test by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-06-24 15:53:05 +0800;
58e8aa6 adjust the levels of pvalue matrix for result of correlation by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-06-19 11:30:04 +0800;
0e47d78 new import by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-06-12 17:52:06 +0800;
82858e3 update as_tbl_df by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-06-12 17:51:43 +0800;
717fa8e supporting multiple types for gsvaexp.assay.type when multiple gsvaexp is specified by
xushuangbin <xshuangbin@163.com>2024-06-12 17:50:40 +0800;