# <img src="logo_mid.png" align="right" />
# CytoML: Cross-Platform Cytometry Data Sharing.
This package is designed to import/export the hierarchical gated
cytometry data to and from R (specifically the
[openCyto](https://github.com/RGLab/openCyto) framework) using the
and [`FCS3.0`](http://isac-net.org/Resources/Standards/FCS3-1.aspx)
cytometry data standards. This package makes use of the `GatingSet` R
object and data model so that imported data can easily be manipulated
and visualized in R using tools like
[openCyto](https://github.com/RGLab/openCyto) and
## What problems does CytoML solve?
CytoML allows you to:
- Import manually gated data into R from
[FlowJo](https://www.flowjo.com/) and
- Combine manual gating strategies with automated gating strategies in
- Export data gated manually, auto-gated, or gated using a combination
of manual and automated strategies from R to
[FlowJo](https://www.flowjo.com/) and
- Share computational flow analyses with users on other platforms.
- Perform comparative analyses between computational and manual gating
### Reporting Bugs or Issues
- Use the issue template in github when creating a new issue.
- Follow the instructions in the template (do your background reading).
- Search and verify that the issue hasn't already been addressed.
- Check the Bioconductor support site.
- Make sure your flow packages are up to date.
- THEN if your issue persists, file a bug report.
Otherwise, we may close your issue without responding.
CytoML can be installed in several ways:
### For all versions:
For all versions, you must have dependencies installed
``` r
# This should pull all dependencies.
# Then install latest dependencies from github, using devtools.
library(devtools) #load it
### Installing from [BioConductor](https://www.bioconductor.org).
- [Current BioConductor
<!-- end list -->
``` r
#this should pull all dependencies.
BiocManager::install("CytoML", version = "devel")
- [Current BioConductor Development
<!-- end list -->
``` r
#this should pull all dependencies.
BiocManager::install("CytoML", version = "devel")
### Installing from GitHub
- [Latest GitHub Version](https://github.com/RGLab/CytoML)
<!-- end list -->
``` r
- [Latest GitHub Release](https://github.com/RGLab/CytoML/releases)
<!-- end list -->
``` r
## Reproducible examples from the CytoML paper
- A reproducible workflow can be found at the [RGLab
site](http://www.rglab.org/CytoML), and was prepared with version
1.7.10 of CytoML, R v3.5.0, and dependencies that can be installed
<!-- end list -->
``` r
# We recomend using R version 3.5.0
## Examples
### Import data
To import data you need the xml workspace and the raw FCS files.
#### Import `gatingML` generated from [Cytobank](https://cytobank.org/).
``` r
acsfile <- system.file("extdata/cytobank_experiment.acs", package = "CytoML")
ce <- open_cytobank_experiment(acsfile)
xmlfile <- ce$gatingML
fcsFiles <- list.files(ce$fcsdir, full.names = TRUE)
gs <- cytobank_to_gatingset(xmlfile, fcsFiles)
#### Import a [Diva](http://www.bdbiosciences.com/us/instruments/clinical/software/flow-cytometry-acquisition/bd-facsdiva-software/m/333333/overview) workspace.
``` r
ws <- open_diva_xml(system.file('extdata/diva/PE_2.xml', package = "flowWorkspaceData"))
# The path to the FCS files is stored in ws@path.
# It can also be passed in to parseWorksapce via the `path` argument.
gs <- diva_to_gatingset(ws, name = 2, subset = 1, swap_cols = FALSE)
#### Interact with the gated data (`GatingSet`)
We need `flowWorkspace` to interact with the imported data.
``` r
We can visualize the gating tree as follows:
``` r
#get the first sample
gh <- gs[[1]]
#plot the hierarchy tree
<!-- -->
For more information see the
[flowWorkspace](http://www.github.com/RGLab/flowWorkspace) package.
We can print all the cell populations defined in the gating tree.
``` r
#show all the cell populations(/nodes)
## [1] "root" "/P1" "/P1/P2" "/P1/P2/P3"
## [5] "/P1/P2/P3/P4" "/P1/P2/P3/P4/P5"
We can extract the cell population statistics.
``` r
#show the population statistics
## openCyto.freq xml.freq openCyto.count xml.count node
## 1: 1.00000000 1.00000000 19090 19090 root
## 2: 0.93609219 0.93776847 17870 17902 P1
## 3: 0.97991046 0.97994637 17511 17543 P2
## 4: 0.70327223 0.70307245 12315 12334 P3
## 5: 0.09378806 0.09404897 1155 1160 P4
## 6: 0.95151515 0.94827586 1099 1100 P5
The `openCyto.count` column shows the cell counts computed via the
import. The `xml.count` column shows the cell counts computed by FlowJo
(note not all platforms report cell counts in the workspace). It is
normal for these to differ by a few cells due to numerical differences
in the implementation of data transformations. CytoML and openCyto are
*reproducing* the data analysis from the raw data based on the
information in the workspace.
We can plot all the gates defined in the workspace.
``` r
#plot the gates
<!-- -->
#### Access information about cells in a specific population.
Because CytoML and flowWorkspace reproduce the entire analysis in a
workspace in R, we have access to information about which cells are part
of which cell popualtions.
flowWorkspace has convenience methods to extract the cells from specific
cell populations:
``` r
## flowFrame object '9a1897d7-ebc9-4077-aa34-6d9e1367fa67'
## with 12315 cells and 15 observables:
## name desc range minRange maxRange
## $P1 Time <NA> 262144 0.0000000 262144.0
## $P2 FSC-A <NA> 262144 0.0000000 262144.0
## $P3 FSC-H <NA> 262144 0.0000000 262144.0
## $P4 FSC-W <NA> 262144 0.0000000 262144.0
## $P5 SSC-A <NA> 262144 0.0000000 262144.0
## $P6 SSC-H <NA> 262144 0.0000000 262144.0
## $P7 SSC-W <NA> 262144 0.0000000 262144.0
## $P8 FITC-A <NA> 262144 0.1516347 4.5
## $P9 PE-A CD3 262144 0.2953046 4.5
## $P10 PerCP-Cy5-5-A <NA> 262144 0.4697134 4.5
## $P11 PE-Cy7-A <NA> 262144 0.5638024 4.5
## $P12 APC-A bob 262144 0.7838544 4.5
## $P13 APC-Cy7-A Viab 262144 0.6886181 4.5
## $P14 Bd Horizon V450-A CD44 262144 0.6413334 4.5
## $P15 Pacific Orange-A CD8 262144 0.3376040 4.5
## 231 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot
This returns a `flowFrame` with the cells in gate P3 (70% of the cells
according to the plot).
The matrix of expression can be extracted from a `flowFrame` using the
`exprs()` method from the `flowCore` package:
``` r
e <- exprs(gh_pop_get_data(gh,"P3"))
## [1] "matrix"
``` r
## [1] 12315 15
``` r
## [1] "Time" "FSC-A" "FSC-H"
## [4] "FSC-W" "SSC-A" "SSC-H"
## [7] "SSC-W" "FITC-A" "PE-A"
## [10] "PerCP-Cy5-5-A" "PE-Cy7-A" "APC-A"
## [13] "APC-Cy7-A" "Bd Horizon V450-A" "Pacific Orange-A"
``` r
#compute the MFI of the fluorescence channels.
## FITC-A PE-A PerCP-Cy5-5-A PE-Cy7-A
## 0.8305630 1.3162132 0.7743459 0.8017827
## APC-A APC-Cy7-A Bd Horizon V450-A Pacific Orange-A
## 1.0482663 1.1636818 2.2960554 1.3684453
### Export gated data to other platforms.
In order to export gated data, it must be in `GatingSet`
#### Export a `GatingSet` from R to [Cytobank](https://cytobank.org/) or [FlowJo](https://www.flowjo.com/)
Load something to export.
``` r
dataDir <- system.file("extdata",package="flowWorkspaceData")
gs <- load_gs(list.files(dataDir, pattern = "gs_manual",full = TRUE))
## loading R object...
## loading tree object...
## Done
##### Export to Cytobank
``` r
outFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".xml")
gatingset_to_cytobank(gs, outFile)
## Warning in gatingset_to_cytobank(gs, outFile): With
## 'cytobank.default.scale' set to 'TRUE', data and gates will be re-
## transformed with cytobank's default scaling settings, which may affect how
## gates look like.
## [1] "/tmp/RtmpV1ZasG/file4b9f7e4e25c1.xml"
##### Export to FlowJo
``` r
outFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".wsp")
gatingset_to_flowjo(gs, outFile)
## [1] "/tmp/RtmpV1ZasG/file4b9f18da0869.wsp"
## Next Steps
See the [flowWorskspace](http://www.github.com/RGLab/flowWorkspace) and
[openCyto](<http://www.github.com/RGLab/openCyto>) packages to learn
more about what can be done with `GatingSet` objects.
## Code of conduct
Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of
Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). By participating in this project you agree
to abide by its terms.