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DESCRIPTION 100644 2 kb
NAMESPACE 100644 3 kb 100644 2 kb
zinb.Rproj 100644 0 kb
# zinbwave Zero-inflated Negative Binomial based Wanted Variation Extraction (ZINB-WaVE) [![Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.](]( [![BioC release](]( [![BioC devel](]( [![R-CMD-check](]( [![Coverage](]( This package implements a zero-inflated negative binomial model for single-cell RNA-seq data, with latent factors. The model is described in details in the paper: [D. Risso, F. Perraudeau, S. Gribkova, S. Dudoit and JP. Vert (2018). A general and flexible method for signal extraction from single-cell RNA-seq data. Nature Communications.]( ## Installation Since Bioconductor 3.7 the new recommended way to install Bioconductor packages is via the BiocManager package, available on CRAN: ```{r} install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("zinbwave") ``` Note that `zinbwave` requires `R (>=3.4)` and `Bioconductor (>=3.6)`. In virtually all cases, installing from Bioconductor is recommended. However, if you want to install the development version of `zinbwave` from GitHub, you can do so with the following. ```{r} library(devtools) install_github("drisso/zinbwave") ```