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DESCRIPTION 100644 2 kb
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NAMESPACE 100644 1 kb
README.Rmd 100644 4 kb 100644 5 kb
<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file --> ## Overview The [tidyomics]( ecosystem is a set of packages for omics data analysis that work together in harmony; they share common Bioconductor data representations and API design consistent with the [tidyverse]( ecosystem. The **tidyomics** package is designed to make it easy to install and load core packages from the *tidyomics* ecosystem with a single command. The core packages are: ``` r tidyomics_packages() ``` # [1] "tidySummarizedExperiment" "tidySingleCellExperiment" # [3] "tidyseurat" "tidybulk" # [5] "plyranges" "nullranges" # [7] "purrr" "rlang" # [9] "stringr" "cli" # [11] "utils" "tidyomics" ## The tidyomics ecosystem You can find out more about each package in the tidyomics ecosystem here: | Package | Intro | GitHub | Description | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | [tidybulk]( | [Vignette]( | [GitHub]( | Tidy bulk RNA-seq data analysis | | [tidySummarizedExperiment]( | [Vignette]( | [GitHub]( | Tidy manipulation of SummarizedExperiment objects | | [tidySingleCellExperiment]( | [Vignette]( | [GitHub]( | Tidy manipulation of SingleCellExperiment objects | | [tidySeurat]( | [Vignette]( | [GitHub]( | Tidy manipulation of Seurat objects | | [tidySpatialExperiment]( | [Vignette]( | [GitHub]( | Tidy manipulation of SpatialExperiment objects | | [plyranges]( | [Vignette]( | [GitHub]( | Tidy manipulation of genomics ranges | | [plyinteractions]( | [Vignette]( | [GitHub]( | Tidy manipulation of genomic interactions | | [nullranges]( | [Vignette]( | [GitHub]( | Generation of null genomic range sets | ## Installation Installing the **tidyomics** package will install all core packages of the *tidyomics* ecosystem. The **tidyomics** package can be installed from Bioconductor: ``` r BiocManager::install("tidyomics") ``` **plyinteractions** and **tidySpatialExperiment** are two new packages in the *tidyomics* ecosystem. **plyinteractions** and **tidySpatialExperiment** are both ready to use and are available in Bioconductor. The packages are now reaching maturity and will be added to the core packages for automatic installation mid-2024. For the time being, **plyinteractions** and **tidySpatialExperiment** can be installed independently: ``` r BiocManager::install("plyinteractions") BiocManager::install("tidySpatialExperiment") ``` ## Loading the *tidyomics* ecosystem The core *tidyomics* packages can be attached with: ``` r library(tidyomics) ``` This command also produces a summary of package versions and function conflicts. Function conflicts are a point of ongoing development and will be addressed over time. **plyinteractions** and **tidySpatialExperiment** can be loaded independently: ``` r library(plyinteractions) library(tidySpatialExperiment) ``` You are now ready to start using the *tidyomics* ecosystem.