### Introduction
The `synapter` package provides functionality to re-analyse MSe
label-free proteomics data acquired on a Waters Synapt Series mass
spectrometer (and probably any Waters instrument). It allows to
combine acquisitions that have been optimised for better
identification (typically using ion mobility separation - HDMSe) and
quantitation accuracy. It also allows to transfer identifications
across multiple runs to reduce missing data across an experiment.
The official release is the Bioconductor version, available
[here](http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/synapter.html). The
[github page](https://lgatto.github.io/synapter/) is a useful resource
that gives access to all vignettes and manuals.
### Installation
`synapter` is available from the
[Bioconductor](http://www.bioconductor.org) repository. The package
and its dependencies can be installed with
if (!require("BiocManager"))
### Help
`synapter` comes with plenty of documentation. Have a start with the
package documentation page `?synapter` and the vignette
vignette("synapter", package="synapter")
See also the `synapter` [Bioconductor
for on-line access to the vignette and the reference manual.
### GitHub build status
Current: [](https://travis-ci.org/lgatto/synapter)
### PLGS processing
The raw data files produced must first be processed by Water's PLGS
software to produce `synapter` input files. This is described in
details in the vignette. Additional information with lots of
screenshots can be found in [these