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# simona: Semantic Similarity on Bio-Ontologies ## Introduction This package implements infrastructures for ontology analysis by offering efficient data structures, fast ontology traversal methods, and elegant visualizations. It provides a robust toolbox supporting over 70 methods for semantic similarity analysis. Most methods implemented in **simona** are from the [supplementary file]( of the paper ["Mazandu et al., Gene Ontology semantic similarity tools: survey on features and challenges for biological knowledge discovery. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2017"]( ## Citation Zuguang Gu. simona: a comprehensive R package for semantic similarity analysis on bio-ontologies. bioRxiv, 2023. ## Install **simona** is available on [Bioconductor]( It can be installed by: ```r if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("simona") ``` Or the devel version: ```r devtools::install_github("jokergoo/simona") ``` ## Usage Creat an ontology object: ```r library(simona) parents = c("a", "a", "b", "b", "c", "d") children = c("b", "c", "c", "d", "e", "f") dag = create_ontology_DAG(parents, children) dag ``` ``` An ontology_DAG object: Source: Ontology 6 terms / 6 relations Root: a Terms: a, b, c, d, ... Max depth: 3 Aspect ratio: 0.67:1 (based on the longest distance from root) 0.68:1 (based on the shortest distance from root) ``` From GO: ```r dag = create_ontology_DAG_from_GO_db("BP", org_db = "") dag ``` ``` An ontology_DAG object: Source: GO BP / GO.db package 28140 terms / 56449 relations Root: GO:0008150 Terms: GO:0000001, GO:0000002, GO:0000003, GO:0000011, ... Max depth: 18 Aspect ratio: 342.43:1 (based on the longest distance from root) 780.22:1 (based on the shortest distance from root) Relations: is_a, part_of Annotations are available. With the following columns in the metadata data frame: id, name, definition ``` Import from an `.obo` file: ```r dag = import_obo("") dag ``` ``` An ontology_DAG object: Source: po, releases/2023-07-13 1656 terms / 2512 relations Root: _all_ Terms: PO:0000001, PO:0000002, PO:0000003, PO:0000004, ... Max depth: 13 Aspect ratio: 25.08:1 (based on the longest distance from root) 39.6:1 (based on the shortest distance from root) Relations: is_a, part_of With the following columns in the metadata data frame: id, short_id, name, namespace, definition ``` The following IC methods are provided: ``` > all_term_IC_methods() [1] "IC_offspring" "IC_height" "IC_annotation" "IC_universal" [5] "IC_Zhang_2006" "IC_Seco_2004" "IC_Zhou_2008" "IC_Seddiqui_2010" [9] "IC_Sanchez_2011" "IC_Meng_2012" "IC_Wang_2007" ``` The following semantic similarity methods are provided: ``` > all_term_sim_methods() [1] "Sim_Lin_1998" "Sim_Resnik_1999" "Sim_FaITH_2010" [4] "Sim_Relevance_2006" "Sim_SimIC_2010" "Sim_XGraSM_2013" [7] "Sim_EISI_2015" "Sim_AIC_2014" "Sim_Zhang_2006" [10] "Sim_universal" "Sim_Wang_2007" "Sim_GOGO_2018" [13] "Sim_Rada_1989" "Sim_Resnik_edge_2005" "Sim_Leocock_1998" [16] "Sim_WP_1994" "Sim_Slimani_2006" "Sim_Shenoy_2012" [19] "Sim_Pekar_2002" "Sim_Stojanovic_2001" "Sim_Wang_edge_2012" [22] "Sim_Zhong_2002" "Sim_AlMubaid_2006" "Sim_Li_2003" [25] "Sim_RSS_2013" "Sim_HRSS_2013" "Sim_Shen_2010" [28] "Sim_SSDD_2013" "Sim_Jiang_1997" "Sim_Kappa" [31] "Sim_Jaccard" "Sim_Dice" "Sim_Overlap" [34] "Sim_Ancestor" ``` The following group similarity methods are provided: ``` > all_group_sim_methods() [1] "GroupSim_pairwise_avg" "GroupSim_pairwise_max" [3] "GroupSim_pairwise_BMA" "GroupSim_pairwise_BMM" [5] "GroupSim_pairwise_ABM" "GroupSim_pairwise_HDF" [7] "GroupSim_pairwise_MHDF" "GroupSim_pairwise_VHDF" [9] "GroupSim_pairwise_Froehlich_2007" "GroupSim_pairwise_Joeng_2014" [11] "GroupSim_SimALN" "GroupSim_SimGIC" [13] "GroupSim_SimDIC" "GroupSim_SimUIC" [15] "GroupSim_SimUI" "GroupSim_SimDB" [17] "GroupSim_SimUB" "GroupSim_SimNTO" [19] "GroupSim_SimCOU" "GroupSim_SimCOT" [21] "GroupSim_SimLP" "GroupSim_Ye_2005" [23] "GroupSim_SimCHO" "GroupSim_SimALD" [25] "GroupSim_Jaccard" "GroupSim_Dice" [27] "GroupSim_Overlap" "GroupSim_Kappa" ``` There is also a visualization on the complete DAG: ```r sig_go_ids = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "sig_go_ids.rds", package = "simona")) dag_circular_viz(dag, highlight = sig_go_ids, reorder_level = 3, legend_labels_from = "name") ``` ![]( ## License MIT @ Zuguang Gu