# scFeatureFilter
By Angeles Arzalluz-Luque, Guillaume Devailly, Anna Mantsoki & Anagha Joshi.

An R package to set thresholds for feature (gene, transcript, ...) filtering in single cell RNA sequencing analyses.
# How to install?
You can install the stable version of scFeatureFilter from Bioconductor (Require R version ≥ 3.5):
## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
You can install the development version of scFeatureFilter using `devtools` (Require R version ≥ 3.5):
# Getting started
Load the package:
Then it is probably a good idea to read the package [vignette](https://gdevailly.github.io/scFeatureFilterVignette.html):
vignette("Introduction", package = "scFeatureFilter")