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<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file --> # raer <a href=""><img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" height="138" /></a> <!-- badges: start --> [![R-CMD-check-bioc](]( [![Codecov test coverage](]( [![platforms](]( [![bioc](]( <!-- badges: end --> raer facilitates analysis of RNA adenosine editing in the [Bioconductor]( ecosystem. ## Installation `raer` is available on [Bioconductor]( ``` r if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages("BiocManager") } BiocManager::install("raer") ``` You can install the development version of raer from [GitHub]( with: ``` r BiocManager::install("rnabioco/raer") ``` ## Quick start <figure> <img src="man/figures/raer_workflow.png" alt="raer workflow overview" /> <figcaption aria-hidden="true">raer workflow overview</figcaption> </figure> raer provides methods to compute per site read count summaries from BAM alignment files, either for known editing sites, or for all detected sites. ``` r library(raer) bam1fn <- raer_example("") bam2fn <- raer_example("") fafn <- raer_example("human.fasta") bams <- c("ko" = bam1fn, "wt" = bam2fn) rse <- pileup_sites(bams, fafn) ``` To facilitate comparisons across groups, base count data and genomic coordinates are stored in a `RangedSummarizedExperiment`. ``` r suppressMessages(library(SummarizedExperiment)) rse #> class: RangedSummarizedExperiment #> dim: 1695 2 #> metadata(0): #> assays(7): ALT nRef ... nC nG #> rownames(1695): site_SSR3_1_2 site_SSR3_2_2 ... site_DHFR_517_2 #> site_DHFR_518_2 #> rowData names(4): REF rpbz vdb sor #> colnames(2): ko wt #> colData names(1): sample assays(rse) #> List of length 7 #> names(7): ALT nRef nAlt nA nT nC nG colData(rse) #> DataFrame with 2 rows and 1 column #> sample #> <character> #> ko ko #> wt wt ``` ``` r assays(rse)$nRef[1:4, ] #> ko wt #> site_SSR3_1_2 13 12 #> site_SSR3_2_2 14 12 #> site_SSR3_3_2 14 12 #> site_SSR3_4_2 15 12 assays(rse)$nAlt[1:4, ] #> ko wt #> site_SSR3_1_2 0 0 #> site_SSR3_2_2 0 0 #> site_SSR3_3_2 0 0 #> site_SSR3_4_2 0 0 ``` The `FilterParam()` class holds multiple options for customizing the output of `pileup_sites()`. ``` r fp <- FilterParam( only_keep_variants = TRUE, library_type = "fr-first-strand", min_depth = 2 ) rse <- pileup_sites(bams, fafn, param = fp) rse #> class: RangedSummarizedExperiment #> dim: 74 2 #> metadata(0): #> assays(7): ALT nRef ... nC nG #> rownames(74): site_SSR3_102_2 site_SSR3_125_2 ... site_DHFR_430_2 #> site_DHFR_513_2 #> rowData names(4): REF rpbz vdb sor #> colnames(2): ko wt #> colData names(1): sample ``` `pileup_cells()` provides support for quantifying editing sites in single cell libraries. ``` r scbam_fn <- raer_example("5k_neuron_mouse_possort.bam") outdir <- tempdir() editing_sites <- GRanges( c( "2:579:-", "2:625:-", "2:589:-" ), REF = "A", ALT = "G" ) cbs <- c( "CACCAAACAACAACAA-1", "TATTCCACACCCTCTA-1", "GACCTTCAGTTGTAAG-1" ) sce <- pileup_cells(scbam_fn, sites = editing_sites, cell_barcodes = cbs, param = fp, output_directory = outdir ) sce #> class: SingleCellExperiment #> dim: 3 3 #> metadata(0): #> assays(2): nRef nAlt #> rownames(3): site_2_579_2_AG site_2_625_2_AG site_2_589_2_AG #> rowData names(2): REF ALT #> colnames(3): CACCAAACAACAACAA-1 TATTCCACACCCTCTA-1 GACCTTCAGTTGTAAG-1 #> colData names(0): #> reducedDimNames(0): #> mainExpName: NULL #> altExpNames(0): ``` ``` r assays(sce)$nRef #> 3 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" #> CACCAAACAACAACAA-1 TATTCCACACCCTCTA-1 GACCTTCAGTTGTAAG-1 #> site_2_579_2_AG 0 0 1 #> site_2_625_2_AG 0 0 0 #> site_2_589_2_AG 1 1 2 assays(sce)$nAlt #> 3 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" #> CACCAAACAACAACAA-1 TATTCCACACCCTCTA-1 GACCTTCAGTTGTAAG-1 #> site_2_579_2_AG 1 1 1 #> site_2_625_2_AG 1 1 1 #> site_2_589_2_AG 0 0 0 ``` ## Related work Core routines in `raer` are implemented using the `htslib` library and methods from `samtools` and `bcftools`. `raer` builds off of approaches from other RNA editing detection tools: - [REDItools]( from [Picardi E, Pesole G]( - [JACUSA2]( from [Piechotta M et al]( - [deNovo-Detect]( from [Gabay O et al]( - [RNAEditingIndexer]( from [Roth SH et al]( - [SAILOR]( from [Washburn MC et al](https://10.1016/j.celrep.2014.01.011)