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# matter Scientific computing for out-of-memory signals and images Toolbox for out-of-memory scientific computing and data visualization, providing memory-efficient file-based data structures for dense and sparse vectors, matrices, and arrays with applications to nonuniformly sampled signals and images. ## Description The *Matter* package provides flexible data structures for out-of-memory computing on dense and sparse arrays, with specialized features designed specifically for computing on nonuniform signals such as mass spectra and other spectral data, as well as hyperspectral images. *Matter 2* has been updated to provide a more robust C++ backend to out-of-memory `matter` objects, along with a completely new implementation of sparse arrays. Tools for signal processing, dimension reduction, and data visualization are also provided. ## User Installation ### Bioconductor Release *Matter* can be installed via the *BiocManager* package. This is the **recommended** installation method. ```{r install, eval=FALSE} if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("matter") ``` The same function can be used to update *Matter* and other Bioconductor packages. Once installed, *Matter* can be loaded with `library()`: ```{r library, eval=FALSE} library(matter) ``` ### Github Release *Matter* can also be installed via the *remotes* package. ```{r install, eval=FALSE} if (!require("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("kuwisdelu/matter", ref=remotes::github_release()) ``` Previous releases can be installed by specifying the exact version. ```{r library, eval=FALSE} remotes::install_github("kuwisdelu/matter@v2.6.2") ``` ## Developer Installation ### Bioconductor Devel The Bioconductor development version of *matter* can also be installed via the *BiocManager* package. ```{r install, eval=FALSE} BiocManager::install("matter", version="devel") ``` This version is **unstable** and should not be used for critical work. However, it is typically more stable than Github devel. This version should *typically* pass `R CMD check` without errors. ### Github Devel The most cutting edge version of *Matter* can be installed from Github via the *remotes* package. ```{r install, eval=FALSE} if (!require("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("kuwisdelu/matter") ``` This version is **unstable** and only recommended for developers. It should not be used for critical work.