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<img src="vignettes/maftools_hex.svg" align="left" height="140" /></a> ## maftools - An R package to summarize, analyze and visualize MAF files [![GitHub closed issues](]( [![R-CMD-check](]( ## Introduction `maftools` provides a comprehensive set of functions for processing [MAF]( files and to perform most commonly used analyses in cancer genomics. See [here]( for a detailed usage and a case study. ## Installation ```{r} #Install from Bioconductor repository BiocManager::install("maftools") #Install from GitHub repository BiocManager::install("PoisonAlien/maftools") ``` ## Getting started: Vignette and a case study A complete documentation of maftools using [TCGA LAML]( as a case study can be found [here]( <p align="left"> <img src="" height="320" height="400"> </p> Besides the MAF files, maftools also facilitates processing of BAM files. Please refer to below vignettes and sections to learn more. - [Copy number analysis]( with [ASCAT]( and [mosdepth]( - [Generate personalized cancer report]( for known somatic [hotspots]( - [Sample mismatch and relatedness analysis]( ## Citation **_Mayakonda A, Lin DC, Assenov Y, Plass C, Koeffler HP. 2018. Maftools: efficient and comprehensive analysis of somatic variants in cancer. [Genome Research]( PMID: [30341162](** ## Useful links | File Fomats | Data portals | Annotation tools | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [Mutation Annotation Format]( | [TCGA]( | [vcf2maf]( - for converting your VCF files to MAF | | [Variant Call Format]( | [ICGC]( | [annovar2maf]( - for converting annovar output files to MAF | | ICGC [Simple Somatic Mutation Format]( | [Broad Firehose]( | [bcftools csq]( - Rapid annotations of VCF files with variant consequences | | | [cBioPortal]( | [Annovar]( | | | [PeCan]( | [Funcotator]( | | | [CIViC]( - Clinical interpretation of variants in cancer | | | | [DGIdb]( - Information on drug-gene interactions and the druggable genome | | ## Useful packages/tools Below are some more useful software packages for somatic variant analysis * [TRONCO]( - Repository of the TRanslational ONCOlogy library (R) * [dndscv]( - dN/dS methods to quantify selection in cancer and somatic evolution (R) * [cloneevol]( - Inferring and visualizing clonal evolution in multi-sample cancer sequencing (R) * [sigminer]( - Primarily for signature analysis and visualization in R. Supports `maftools` output (R) * [GenVisR]( - Primarily for visualization (R) * [comut]( - Primarily for visualization (Python) * [TCGAmutations]( - pre-compiled curated somatic mutations from TCGA cohorts (from Broad Firehose and TCGA MC3 Project) that can be loaded into `maftools` (R) * [somaticfreq](<>) - rapid genotyping of known somatic hotspot variants from the tumor BAM files. Generates a browsable/sharable HTML report. (C) *** #### Powered By * [data.table]( at [warp speed](