# `fobitools` <img src='man/figures/logo.png' align="right" height="139" />
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This package provides a set of tools for interacting with [FOBI
A collection of basic manipulation tools for biological significance
analysis, graph visualization and text mining strategies for annotating
nutritional data are provided here:
- Graph visualization of FOBI
- Parse FOBI information from OBO to a readable table format
- Compound ID conversion (among metabolite names, FOBI, ChemSpider,
KEGG, PubChemCID, InChIKey, InChICode and HMDB IDs)
- Biological significance analysis via ORA and MSEA methods:
- Chemical class enrichment analysis: ORA and MSEA using FOBI chemical
classes as metabolite sets
- Food enrichment analysis: ORA and MSEA using FOBI food groups as
metabolite sets
- Text mining algorithm for annotating free-text dietary data
`fobitools` also offers a Shiny app version called
[fobitoolsGUI](https://github.com/pcastellanoescuder/fobitoolsGUI). This
application implements most of `fobitools` functions in an user-friendly
web interface and it is available at
# Installation
To install Bioconductor version use:
``` r
# install.packages("BiocManager")
If you need the GitHub version (not recommended unless you know what you
are doing), use:
``` r
# install.packages("devtools")
## Citation
**Pol Castellano-Escuder, Raúl González-Domínguez, David S Wishart,
Cristina Andrés-Lacueva, Alex Sánchez-Pla**, *FOBI: an ontology to
represent food intake data and associate it with metabolomic data*,
Database, Volume 2020, 2020, baaa033. DOI:
# Code of Conduct
Please note that the ‘fobitools’ project is released with a [Contributor
Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). By contributing to this project,
you agree to abide by its terms.