\name{fpkmMatrix} \alias{fpkmMatrix} \alias{fpkmMatrix,CuffData-method} \alias{fpkmMatrix,CuffFeatureSet-method} \alias{repFpkmMatrix} \alias{repFpkmMatrix,CuffData-method} \alias{repFpkmMatrix,CuffFeatureSet-method} \alias{repFpkmMatrix,CuffFeature-method} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ fpkmMatrix } \description{ Retrieve FPKM values as gene by condition (fpkmMatrix) or gene by replicate (repFpkmMatrix) matrix } \usage{ \S4method{fpkmMatrix}{CuffData}(object,fullnames=FALSE,sampleIdList) \S4method{repFpkmMatrix}{CuffData}(object,fullnames=FALSE,repIdList) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of class ('CuffData','CuffFeatureSet','CuffGeneSet','CuffGene',or 'CuffFeature') } \item{fullnames}{ A logical value whether or not to concatenate gene_short_name and tracking_id values (easier to read labels) } \item{sampleIdList}{ A vector of sample names to subset the resulting matrix. } \item{repIdList}{ A vector of sample names to subset the resulting matrix. } } \details{ None. } \value{ A feature x condition matrix of FPKM values. } \references{ None. } \author{ Loyal A. Goff } \note{ None } \examples{ data(sampleData) fpkmMatrix(sampleGeneSet) repFpkmMatrix(sampleGeneSet) }