\name{Dimensionality Reduction}
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
Dimensionality reduction utilities
Dimensionality reduction plots for feature selection and extraction for cummeRbund
\S4method{PCAplot}{CuffData}(object,x="PC1", y="PC2",replicates=FALSE,pseudocount=1.0,scale=TRUE,showPoints = TRUE,...)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
The output of class CuffData from which to draw expression estimates. (e.g. genes(cuff))
For PCAplot, indicates which principal component is to be presented on the x-axis (e.g. "PC1","PC2","PC3", etc) 
See x.
Value added to FPKM to avoid log transformation issues.
Logical value whether or not to use log-transformed expression estimates (default: TRUE)
A logical value to indicate whether or not individual replicate expression estimates will be used.
For PCAplot, a logical value passed directly to prcomp.
For PCAplot, a logical value whether or not to display individual gene values on final PCA plot.
Additional passthrough arguments (may not be fully implemented yet). 
These methods attempt to project a matrix of expression estimates across conditions and/or replicates onto a smaller number of dimesions for feature selection, feature extraction, and can
also be useful for outlier detection.

A ggplot2 object.
Loyal A. Goff

	cuff<-readCufflinks(system.file("extdata", package="cummeRbund")) #Create CuffSet object from sample data
	p #Render PCA plot
	m #Render MDS plot