Name Mode Size
R 040000
Shinyapp 040000
data 040000
inst 040000
man 040000
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vignettes 040000
.Rbuildignore 100644 0 kb
.gitignore 100644 0 kb
.travis.yml 100644 0 kb
DESCRIPTION 100644 1 kb
Makefile 100644 0 kb
NAMESPACE 100644 3 kb 100644 0 kb
README 100644 0 kb
README.Rmd 100644 4 kb 100644 4 kb
cell_migration_logo.png 100644 396 kb
<!-- ############################################################################### ######## DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. PLEASE READ THE COMMENT BELOW ######## ############################################################################### is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit the README.Rmd file and regenerate by running the following in R: rmarkdown::render('README.Rmd', output_format = 'github_document') If you have GNU Make installed, you can also simply run "make" and Make will automatically update if it sees changes in README.Rmd. ############################################################################### # DO NOT EDIT YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CHANGES. PLEASE SEE COMMENT ABOVE # ############################################################################### --> # cellmigRation <img src="cell_migration_logo.png" width="50%" alt="cellmigRation"> An R package for tracking cells and analyzing their trajectories. <!-- ############################################################################### # DO NOT EDIT YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CHANGES. PLEASE SEE TOP COMMENT # ############################################################################### --> # Installation cellmigRation is under active development and a stable version is yet to be released. However, you can install the current development version of cellmigRation from [GitHub]( with: ``` r # install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("ocbe-uio/cellmigRation") ``` <!-- ############################################################################### # DO NOT EDIT YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CHANGES. PLEASE SEE TOP COMMENT # ############################################################################### --> # Example Example usage: ``` r library(cellmigRation) #> Loading required package: foreach data(TrajectoryDataset) df <- CellMig(TrajectoryDataset[1:100, ]) preproc <- rmPreProcessing(df, PixelSize = 1.24, TimeInterval = 100) #> This dataset contains: 1 cell(s) in total #> This dataset contains: 1 cell(s) with more than three steps in their tracks #> The minimum number of steps: 100 #> The maximum number of steps: 100 #> Number of cells with a total number of steps less than 100 steps : 0 #> All the tracks are adjusted to have only 100 steps ``` <!-- ############################################################################### # DO NOT EDIT YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CHANGES. PLEASE SEE TOP COMMENT # ############################################################################### --> # Shiny application Some cellmigRation features are also available as a standalone web application powered by an R package called Shiny. **The Shiny app is still under construction**, so it is not feature-complete and is not guaranteed to perform as expected. Until release, we advise you to use the R package directly. To access the cellmigRation Shiny app, visit <>. Alternatively, you can run the Shiny app locally on your computer. To do so, download a copy of this repository and either run `make runshiny` or `R -e "shiny::runApp('Shinyapp', port=3029)"` from its root directory. <!-- ############################################################################### # DO NOT EDIT YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CHANGES. PLEASE SEE TOP COMMENT # ############################################################################### --> # Statistics for developers <!-- badges: start --> [![Build Status](]( <!-- badges: end --> <!-- ############################################################################### # DO NOT EDIT YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CHANGES. PLEASE SEE TOP COMMENT # ############################################################################### -->