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This is the annmap BioConductor package for use with the annmap database
available from: https://figshare.manchester.ac.uk/articles/dataset/ANNMAP_Database/16685071
For instructions on how to install that database, please see the README.TXT
file inside the downloads found on that page.
After installing this package, you will need to create a databases.txt file
inside a folder called .annmap in your home directory.
An example of this file can be found in the root of this source package.
This example file shows 2 databases installed on a MySQL server on the local
machine, with the 'username' dbuser and 'password' dbpwd
The 'port' field can be left blank if you are using the standard MySQL port
The 'password' can be left blank if you are not using a password
All elements should be tab separated (tabs are still required, even if the
element is being left blank)
The 'name' field is simply a user defined name for this database, which can be
passed to annmapConnect() as a parameter, or will be displayed to the user in a
menu if annmapConnect() is called with no parameters
Please let me know of any issues at marek.dynowski(at)cruk.manchester.ac.uk