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DESCRIPTION 100644 1 kb
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## alevinQC [![ coverage status](]( [![R build status](]( The `alevinQC` R package provides functionality for generating QC reports summarizing the output of [alevin]( ([Srivastava et al., Genome Biology 20:65 (2019)]( The reports can be generated in html or pdf format, or as R/Shiny applications. ### Installation: `alevinQC` is available from [Bioconductor](, and can be installed using the `BiocManager` CRAN package: ``` if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("alevinQC") ``` Note that `alevinQC` v 1.1 or newer is required to process output from Salmon version 0.14.0 or newer. ### Example usage: ``` alevinQCReport(baseDir = system.file("extdata/alevin_example_v0.14", package = "alevinQC"), sampleId = "testSample", outputFile = "alevinReport.html", outputFormat = "html_document", outputDir = tempdir(), forceOverwrite = TRUE) ``` For more information, we refer to the package vignette. ![]( ![](