Name Mode Size
R 040000
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DESCRIPTION 100644 1 kb
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# Save common bioinformatics file formats |Environment|Status| |---|---| |[BioC-release](|[![Release OK](](| |[BioC-devel](|[![Devel OK](](| The **alabaster.files** package implements methods for processing common bioinformatics file formats (e.g., BAM, GFF, BED) in the **alabaster** framework. This allows users to store these files as part of larger Bioconductor objects, e.g., by embedding them inside the `metadata()` field of a `SummarizedExperiment`. To get started, install the package and its dependencies from [Bioconductor]( ```r # install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("alabaster.files") ``` We can then assemble complex objects containing various files: ```r library(alabaster.files) library(S4Vectors) df <- DataFrame(Sample=LETTERS[1:4]) # Adding a column of assorted wrapper files: df$File <- list( BamFileReference(system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools")), BigWigFileReference(system.file("tests", "", package = "rtracklayer")), BigBedFileReference(system.file("tests", "", package = "rtracklayer")), BcfFileReference(system.file("extdata", "ex1.bcf.gz", package = "Rsamtools")) ) # Saving it all to the staging directory: dir <- tempfile() saveObject(df, dir) ``` When we load the parent `DataFrame` back into the R session, we have references to copies of the files in the staging directory. Users can inspect the `path` from each `*Reference` for further analysis. ```r roundtrip <- readObject(dir) roundtrip$File ## [[1]] ## BamFileReference object ## path: /tmp/RtmpdTiBzJ/file136647b568cb/other_columns/1/other_contents/0/file.bam ## index: NULL ## ## [[2]] ## BigWigFileReference object ## path: /tmp/RtmpdTiBzJ/file136647b568cb/other_columns/1/other_contents/1/ ## ## [[3]] ## BigBedFileReference object ## path: /tmp/RtmpdTiBzJ/file136647b568cb/other_columns/1/other_contents/2/ ## ## [[4]] ## BcfFileReference object ## path: /tmp/RtmpdTiBzJ/file136647b568cb/other_columns/1/other_contents/3/file.bcf ## index: NULL ```