Name Mode Size
R 040000
inst 040000
man 040000
tests 040000
vignettes 040000
.Rbuildignore 100644 0 kb
.gitignore 100644 0 kb
DESCRIPTION 100755 1 kb
LICENSE 100644 1 kb
NAMESPACE 100644 8 kb
NEWS 100644 3 kb
RCy3.Rproj 100644 0 kb 100755 3 kb
# Welcome to RCy3: 2.0 and Beyond Building upon the phenominal success of RCytoscape and RCy3, Cytoscape is adopting this project to provide a robust R package for the rapidly evolving Cytoscape ecosystem. We are beginning with a major refactor of RCy3 that includes: * independence from the graphNEL object model * harmonized function and argument names * support for Cytoscape commands * better support for Cytoscape apps * see [NEWS](NEWS) for the complete release notes * coordinated development with CyREST and the Cytoscape service model * [New API](✓&q=milestone%3A*+label%3A%22new+API%22+is%3A*) * coordinated development with other scripting libraries, e.g., * [py2cytoscape]( * [RCyjs]( ## How to install **_Official bioconductor releases_ (recommended)** ``` source("") biocLite("RCy3") ``` _Unstable development code from this repo_ (at your own risk) ``` install_github('cytoscape/RCy3') library(RCy3) ``` #### Troubleshooting 1. If you see this error on a Mac: ```make: gfortran-4.8: No such file or directory```, then try reinstalling R via [homebrew]( ```brew update && brew reinstall r``` * warning: this make take ~30 minutes 2. If you see this error in RStudio: ```ERROR: dependency ‘XML’ is not available for package```, then try this command: ```install.packages("XML")``` and then try installing RCy3 again. ## How to contribute This is a public, open source project. Come on in! You can contribute at multiple levels: * Report an issue or feature request * Fork and make pull requests * Contact current Cytoscape developers and inquire about joining the team ## Testing Unit tests are a crucial tool in software development. In order to run them 'offline' (not on the Bioconductor build system), take these steps from within a running R session: 1) source(system.file("unitTests", "test_RCy3.R", package="RCy3")) 2) run.tests() They take about 4 minutes to run. ## Bioconductor While this is the primary development repository for the RCy3 project, we also make regular pushes to official bioconductor repository ([devel]( & [release]( from which the official releases are generated. This is the correct repo for all coding and bug reporting interests. The tagged releases here correspond to the bioconductor releases via a manual syncing process. The `master` branch here corresponds to the latest code in development and not yet released. ## Former Repo The entire commit history has been preserved during this transition, but you can find the repo for RCy3 v1.5.3 and earlier at