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<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file --> # MoleculeExperiment <img src="" align="right" width=250 style="margin-left: 10px;"> <!-- badges: start --> [![name](]( <!-- badges: end --> The goal of MoleculeExperiment is to provide functionality for the representation and summarisation of imaging-based spatial transcriptomics data, including 10X Xenium. MoleculeExperiment will take you from machine output data directly to an object ready for analyses! 🚀 We used the following data bundles to inform our readXenium, readCosmx and readMerscope functions respectively. In particular, Xenium data corresponds to [3 replicates from fresh frozen mouse brain tissue](, accessed on 8 February 2023; CosMx data corresponds to [human non-small cell lung cancer]( accessed on 27 February 2023; and MERSCOPE data is from [human ovarian cancer]( accessed on 27 February 2023. ## Installation You can install the development version of MoleculeExperiment from [GitHub]( with: ``` r # install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("SydneyBioX/MoleculeExperiment") ``` ### System dependencies Note that the following 3 system dependencies are required: \* libssl-dev \* libmagick++-dev \* libgdal-dev ### Citation Peters Couto et al, 2023, Bioinformatics [![Static Badge](](