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R 040000
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inst 040000
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DESCRIPTION 100644 2 kb
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# LinTInd + **Single-cell RNA sequencing has become a common approach to trace developmental processes of cells, however, using exogenous barcodes is more direct than predicting from expression profiles recently, based on that, as gene-editing technology matures, combining this technological method with exogenous barcodes can generate more complex dynamic information for single-cell. In this application note, we introduce an R package: LinTInd for reconstructing a tree from alleles generated by the genome-editing tool known as CRISPR for a moderate time period based on the order in which editing occurs, and for sc-RNA seq, ScarLin can also quantify the similarity between each cluster in three ways.** ## Installation via GitHub ``` devtools::install_github("mana-W/LinTInd") ``` * Depends:<br /> + ggplot2<br /> + parallel<br /> + stats<br /> + S4Vectors<br /> + data.tree<br /> + reshape2<br /> + networkD3<br /> + stringdist<br /> + purrr<br /> + ape<br /> + cowplot<br /> + ggnewscale<br /> + stringr<br /> + dplyr<br /> + rlist<br /> + pheatmap<br /> + Biostrings<br /> + IRanges<br /> + BiocGenerics(>= 0.36.1)<br /> + ggtree<br /> ## Installation via Bioconductor ``` if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("LinTInd") ``` ## Data prepare To generate the **CB_UMI** from fastq files, which will be used in the following.<br /> You can use **** in:<br /> ## Usage **Input fileļ¼š**<br /> *Example files is in LinTInd/inst/extdata*<br /> data is from CB_UMI<br /> fa is ref file<br /> cutsite is a file define each sgRNA start and end positon<br /> celltype.tsv is a file include cell barcode and its' annotations, header: Cell.BC Cell.type ### Quick start ``` library(LinTInd) data<-paste0(system.file("extdata",package = 'LinTInd'),"/CB_UMI") fafile<-paste0(system.file("extdata",package = 'LinTInd'),"/V3.fasta") cutsite<-paste0(system.file("extdata",package = 'LinTInd'),"/V3.cutSites") celltype<-paste0(system.file("extdata",package = 'LinTInd'),"/celltype.tsv") data<-read.table(data,sep="\t",header=T) ref<-ReadFasta(fafile) cutsite<-read.table(cutsite,col.names = c("indx","start","end")) celltype<-read.table(celltype,header=T,stringsAsFactors=F) ``` Or load the example data ``` data("example_data",package = "LinTInd") ``` ### Array identify<br /> Alignment ``` scarinfo<-FindIndel(data=data,scarfull=ref,scar=cutsite,indel.coverage="All",type="test",cln=1) scarinfo<-IndelForm(scarinfo,cln=1) ``` Define scar pattern for each cell<br /> ``` cellsinfo<-IndelIdents(scarinfo,method.use="umi.num",cln=1) ``` Pattern visualization <br /> ``` IndelPlot(cellsinfo = cellsinfo) ``` <p align="center"> <img src="" width = "620" height = "450" align=center /> </p > <br /> ### Indel extracted ``` tag<-TagProcess(cellsinfo$info,Cells=celltype) ``` ### Tree reconstruct ``` treeinfo<-BuildTree(tag) ``` ### Visualization **Similarity of each pair of clusters** ``` tag_dist=TagDist(tag,method = "Jaccard") ``` <p align="center"> <img src="" width = "500" height = "300" align=center /> </p > <p align="center"> <img src="" width = "490" height = "450" align=center /> </p > ***Visualization for tree*** ``` plotinfo<-PlotTree(treeinfo = treeinfo,data.extract = "TRUE",annotation = "TRUE") plotinfo$p ``` <p align="center"> <img src="" width = "400" height = "400" align=center /> </p > Or <br /> ``` plotinfo<-PlotTree(treeinfo = treeinfo,data.extract = "TRUE",annotation = "FALSE") plotinfo$p ``` <p align="center"> <img src="" width = "400" height = "400" align=center /> </p >