Name Mode Size
R 040000
data 040000
inst 040000
man 040000
tests 040000
vignettes 040000
.Rbuildignore 100644 1 kb
.coveralls.R 100644 1 kb
.gitignore 100644 0 kb
.travis.yml 100644 1 kb
DESCRIPTION 100644 2 kb
EDASeq.Rproj 100644 0 kb
NAMESPACE 100644 2 kb 100644 3 kb
# R package: EDASeq <a href=""><img border="0" src="" title="How long since the package was first in a released Bioconductor version (or is it in devel only)."></a> <a href=""><img border="0" src="" title="Percentile (top 5/20/50% or 'available') of downloads over last 6 full months. Comparison is done across all package categories (software, annotation, experiment)."></a> <a href=""><img border="0" src="" title="Support site activity, last 6 months: tagged questions/avg. answers per question/avg. comments per question/accepted answers, or 0 if no tagged posts."></a> <a href=""><img border="0" src="" title="average Subversion commits (to the devel branch) per month for the last 6 months"></a> <a href=""><img border='0' src="" title="Test coverage percentage, or 'unknown'"/></a> This is the developer version of the Bioconductor package [EDASeq]( Install in R as: ```r install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("EDASeq") ``` ## Status * Bioc-release <a href=""><img border="0" src="" title="Whether the package is available on all platforms; click for details."></a> <a href=""><img border="0" src="" title="build results; click for full report"></a> * Bioc-devel: <a href=""><img border="0" src="" title="Whether the package is available on all platforms; click for details."></a> <a href=""><img border="0" src="" title="build results; click for full report"></a> * Travis CI: [![Build Status](]( ## Issues and bug reports Please use to submit issues, bug reports, and comments.