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## CBNplot: Bayesian network plot for the enrichment analysis results <!-- badges: start --> [![R-CMD-check](]( <!-- badges: end --> Plot bayesian network inferred from expression data based on the enrichment analysis results from libraries including `clusterProfiler` and `ReactomePA` using `bnlearn`. ### Installation ```R BiocManager::install("CBNplot") ``` ```R library(devtools) install_github("noriakis/CBNplot") ``` ### Usage - Documentation: []( - Web server: []( ### Plot examples - The gene-to-gene relationship compared with the reference network. <img src="" width="800px"> - The plot is customizable highliting edges and nodes like hub genes. <img src="" width="800px"> - The example using `MicrobiomeProfiler`, thanks to the fix by [@xiangpin]( ``` R library(MicrobiomeProfiler) data(Rat_data) ko.res <- enrichKO(Rat_data) exp.dat <- matrix(abs(rnorm(910)), 91, 10) %>% magrittr::set_rownames(value=Rat_data) %>% magrittr::set_colnames(value=paste0('S', seq_len(ncol(.)))) exp.dat %>% head library(CBNplot) bngeneplot(ko.res, exp=exp.dat, pathNum=1, orgDb=NULL) ``` <img src="" width="800px"> - Another customized plot. <img src="" width="800px">