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.Rbuildignore 100644 0 kb
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# xenLite This package experimentally explores an S4 class and methods for 10x Xenium demonstration data in Open Storage Network. ## Installation ``` BiocManager::install("vjcitn/xenLite") ``` ## Basics The package - defines a class `XenSPEP` that extends SpatialExperiment, accommodating geometry information for cells, nuclei, and transcripts in parquet files that as of 0.0.17 are ingested by `arrow::read_parquet(..., as_data_frame=FALSE)`. RAM consumption can be significant. - includes functions to retrieve example data from NSF Open Storage Network buckets A [pkgdown site]( is available. ## Interaction A shiny app is available. Some screenshots of earlier versions follow. The rectangle shows a region of interest, selectable using sliders: ![](man/figures/nappma2.png) The details can include positions of transcripts for selected genes: ![](man/figures/napp2.png) CD4-expressing cells seem spatially complementary to those expressing EPCAM. ![](man/figures/nappcd.png) An example is available at [](