# The `xcms` package (version >= 3)
<img align = "right" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bioconductor/BiocStickers/master/xcms/xcms.png" height="200">
Version >= 3 of the `xcms` package are updated and partially re-written versions
of the original `xcms` package. The version number *3* was selected to avoid
confusions with the `xcms2` (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ac800795f)
software. While providing all of the original software's functionality, `xcms`
version >= 3 aims at:
1) Better integration into the Bioconductor framework:
- Make use and extend classes defined in the `MSnbase` package.
- Implement class versioning (Biobase's `Versioned` class).
- Use `BiocParallel` for parallel processing.
2) Implementation of validation methods for all classes to ensure data
3) Easier and faster access to raw spectra data.
4) Cleanup of the source code:
- Remove obsolete and redundant functionality (`getEIC`, `rawEIC` etc).
- Unify interfaces, i.e. implement a layer of base functions accessing all
analysis methods (which are implemented in C, C++ or R).
5) Using a more consistent naming scheme of methods that follows established
naming conventions (e.g. `correspondence` instead of `grouping`).
6) Update, improve and extend the documentation.
7) Establishing a layer of base R-functions that interface all analysis
methods. These should take M/Z, retention time (or scan index) and intensity
values as input along with optional arguments for the downstream functions
(implemented in C, C++ or R). The input arguments should be basic R objects
(numeric vectors) thus enabling easy integration of analysis methods in other
R packages.
8) The user interface's analysis methods should take the (raw) data object and a
parameter class, that is used for dispatching to the corresponding analysis
Discussions and suggestions are welcome:
For more information see the package [vignette](vignettes/xcms.Rmd).