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<div align="center"> <img src="man/figures/xcell2logo.png" width="30%"> </div> # xCell 2.0: Robust Cell Type Enrichment Analysis ## Overview **xCell 2.0** is an advanced R package and web application for cell type enrichment analysis, building upon the widely-used xCell algorithm. It introduces a training function that allows the utilization of custom reference datasets, making it adaptable to diverse tissue types and experimental conditions. ## Installation The package is currently available on GitHub and is being prepared for Bioconductor submission: ```R devtools::install_github('AlmogAngel/xCell2') library(xCell2) ``` ## Important Notes <ul> <li>xCell 2.0 produces enrichment scores, not percentages. It's designed for comparing across samples, not cell types.</li> <li>xCell 2.0 requires variability among samples for accurate linear transformation.</li> <li>The method is designed for mixed samples, not for determining cell of origin or single-cell analysis.</li> </ul> ## Vignettes [Introduction to Cell Type Enrichment Analysis with xCell 2.0]( ## Contributors xCell 2.0 is developed by the Aran lab at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Contact: Almog Angel (almog.angel at Dvir Aran (dvir.aran at ## Citation If you use xCell 2.0 in your research, please cite our paper: [Angel A, Naom L, Nabel-Levy S, Aran D. xCell 2.0: Robust Algorithm for Cell Type Proportion Estimation Predicts Response to Immune Checkpoint Blockade. bioRxiv 2024.]( ## License GLP 3.0