ViDGER <img src="man/figures/logo-02.svg" align="right" height="120"/>
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ViDGER (**Vi**sualization of **D**ifferential **G**ene **E**xpression using **R**), is an `R` package that can rapidly generate information-rich visualizations for the interpretation of differential gene expression results from three widely-used tools: `Cuffdiff`, `DESeq2`, and `edgeR`.
The stable version of this package is available on [Bioconductor]( . You can install it by:
``` r
if (!require("BiocManager")) install.packages("BiocManager")
If you want the latest version, install it directly from this GitHub repo:
``` r
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("btmonier/vidger", ref = "devel")
The stable release of `vidger` has 9 visualization functions:
- `vsScatterPlot()`
- `vsScatterMatrix()`
- `vsBoxplot()`
- `vsDEGMatrix()`
- `vsVolcano()`
- `vsVolcanoMatrix()`
- `vsMAPlot()`
- `vsMAMatrix()`
- `vsFourWay()`
Loading test data
To simulate the usage of the three aformentioned tools, "toy" data sets have been implemented in this package. Each of these data sets represents their respective `R` class:
- `df.cuff` A `cuffdiff` output file.
- `df.deseq` A `DESeq2` object class.
- `df.edger` An `edgeR` object class.
To load these data sets, use the following command:
``` r
...where `"<object-type>"` is one of the previously mentioned data sets.
Getting help
For additional information on these functions, please see the given documentation in the `vidger` package by adding the `?` help operator before any of the given functions in this package or by using the `help()` function.
For a more in-depth analysis, consider reading the vignette provided with this package:
``` r
*Last updated:* 2019-01-18