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R 040000
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# transmogR <img id="transmogr_logo" src="man/figures/transmogR.png" align="right" width = "125" /> <!-- badges: start --> [![Build Status](]( [![Repo Status](]( [![Codecov test coverage](]( <!-- badges: end --> This package contains functions for creating a variant-modified reference genome or transcriptome. SNPs, Insertions and Deletions are all supported. With a generous tip of the hat and deep appreciation to Bill Watterson. Results are expected to be more predictable than for prototype transmogrifiers. To install the stable version of `transmogR` from Bioconductor please try the following. ```r if (!require("BiocManager")) { install.packages("BiocManager") } BiocManager::install("transmogR") ``` Alternatively, the latest build can be installed using ```r if (!require("BiocManager")) { install.packages("BiocManager") } BiocManager::install("smped/transmogR") ```