# systemPipeShiny <img src="https://github.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeR.github.io/blob/main/static/images/sps_small.png?raw=true" align="right" height="139" />
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`systemPipeShiny`(SPS) a Shiny-based R/Bioconductor package that extends the widely used
[systemPipeR](http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/systemPipeR.html) workflow
environment with data visualization and a versatile graphical user interface.
SPS can work as a general framework to build custom web apps on data analysis and visualization.
Besides, SPS provides many developer tools that are distributed as [separate packages](#other-packages-in-systempipeshiny).
## 4 minutes quick overview
You need to unmuted it to hear the sound.

## Demos
SPS has provided a variety of options to change how it work. Here are some examples.
| Type and link| option changed | notes |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [Default full installation](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny/) | [See installation](#installation) | full app, may take longer (~15s) to load |
| [Minimum installation](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny_min/) | [See installation](#installation) | no modules installed |
| [Login enabled](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny_loading/) | `login_screen = TRUE; login_theme = "empty"` | no modules installed |
| [Login and login themes](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny_loading_theme/) | `login_screen = TRUE; login_theme = "random"` | no modules installed |
| [App admin page](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny_loading/?admin) | `admin_page = TRUE` | use the link or simply add "?admin" to the end of URL of any demos |
For the login required demos, the app account name is **"user"** password **"user"**.
For the admin login, account name **"admin"**, password **"admin"**.
**Please DO NOT delete or change password when you are trying the admin features.**
Although _shinyapps.io_ will reset the app once a while, this will affect other people
who are viewing the demo simultaneously.
### Rstudio Cloud
There is an [Rstudio Cloud project](https://rstudio.cloud/project/2493103) instance
that you can also play with. You need to create a free new account. Two Bioconductor
related modules - workflow & RNAseq are not installed. They require more than 1GB
RAM to install and to run which is beyond the limit of a free account.
### Docker
Use [systempipe_docker](https://github.com/systemPipeR/systempipe_docker) for instructions.
## [Documents](https://systempipe.org/sps/)
To see all the details of SPS, read the user manual on [our website](https://systempipe.org/sps/).
## Installation
### Full
``` r
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
BiocManager::install("systemPipeShiny", dependencies=TRUE)
This will install **all** required packages including suggested packages that
are required by the core modules. Be aware, it will take quite some time if you
are installing on Linux where only source installation is available. Windows and Mac
binary installations will be much faster.
### Minimum
To install the package, please use the `BiocManager::install` command:
``` r
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
By the minimum installation, all the 3 core modules are **not** installed. You
can still start the app, and when you start the app and click on these modules,
it will tell to enable these modules, what packages to install and what
command you need to run.
Just follow the instructions. Install as you need.
### Most recent
To obtain the most recent updates immediately, one can install it directly from
[GitHub](https://github.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeShiny) as follow:
``` r
if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly=TRUE))
remotes::install("systemPipeR/systemPipeShiny", dependencies=TRUE)
Similarly, `remotes::install("systemPipeR/systemPipeShiny")` for the minimum develop
### Linux
If you are on Linux, you may also need the following system dependencies **before installing SPS**.
Different distributions
may have different commands, but the following commands are examples for Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install -y libicu-dev
sudo apt-get install -y pandoc
sudo apt-get install -y zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install -y make
## Quick start
This is a basic example which shows how to use `systempipeShiny` package:
``` r
## Imports the library
## Creates the project directory
By default, a project folder is created and named as `SPS_`+`DATE`.
This project folder provides all the necessary files to launch the application.
If you are using Rstudio, `global.R` file will be opened automatically and this is
the only file you may need to make custom changes if there is any.
Click the green "Run App" button in Rstudio if you are on the `global.R` file or
run following in console to start the app.
``` r
## Launching the interface
### [options](https://systempipe.org/sps/adv_features/config/#app-options)
Change some of the [options](https://systempipe.org/sps/adv_features/config/#app-options)
listed in `global.R` will change how the app behave, for example, modules to load,
title, logo, whether to apply user authentication, and more ...
## Other packages in systemPipeShiny
| Package | Description | Documents | Function reference | Demo |
| --- | --- | --- | :---: | --- |
|<img src="https://github.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeR.github.io/blob/main/static/images/sps_small.png?raw=true" align="right" height="30" width="30"/>[systemPipeShiny](https://github.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeShiny) | SPS main package |[website](https://systempipe.org/sps/)|[link](https://systempipe.org/sps/funcs/sps/reference/) | [demo](https://tgirke.shinyapps.io/systemPipeShiny/)|
|<img src="https://github.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeR.github.io/blob/main/static/images/spscomps.png?raw=true" align="right" height="30" width="30" />[spsComps](https://github.com/lz100/spsComps) | SPS UI and server components |[website](https://systempipe.org/sps/dev/spscomps/)|[link](https://systempipe.org/sps/funcs/spscomps/reference/) | [demo](https://lezhang.shinyapps.io/spsComps)|
|<img src="https://github.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeR.github.io/blob/main/static/images/drawer.png?raw=true" align="right" height="30" width="30" />[drawer](https://github.com/lz100/drawer) | SPS interactive image editing tool |[website](https://systempipe.org/sps/dev/drawer/)|[link](https://systempipe.org/sps/funcs/drawer/reference/) | [demo](https://lezhang.shinyapps.io/drawer)|
|<img src="https://github.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeR.github.io/blob/main/static/images/spsutil.png?raw=true" align="right" height="30" width="30" />[spsUtil](https://github.com/lz100/spsUtil) | SPS utility functions |[website](https://systempipe.org/sps/dev/spsutil/)|[link](https://systempipe.org/sps/funcs/spsutil/reference/) | NA|
## More Tutorials
You need to unmuted it to hear the sound.
### Workflow Module
### RNAseq Module
### Quick ggplot Module
### Canvas Tool
## Screenshots of SPS
##### Full app

##### Loading screens

##### Workflow module

##### Workflow Execution

##### RNASeq module

##### Canvas

##### Admin

##### Debugging

## Contact & contributions
Please use https://github.com/systemPipeR/systemPipeShiny/issues for reporting bugs,
issues or for suggesting new features to be implemented.
We'd love to hear from all users and developers. Submit your pull request if you
have new thoughts or improvements.