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# seahtrue <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" alt="" width="120" />
seahtrue is a package for analyzing extracellular flux data. It
organizes data from excel files into nested tibbles and allows for
multi-experiment analysis, and detailed raw data processing.
### Installation
You can install the latest version of seahtrue with the following
``` r
devtools::install_github("vcjdeboer/seahtrue", ref = "main")
### Getting Help
If you need assistance or want to learn more about the Seahtrue package
you can utilize the documentation page of our package (?seahtrue). This
will provide you with links to the documentation of our different
functions as well as links to some general Seahorse background
information related to our package.
### Contributing and Feedback
Suggestions and improvements are welcome! If you have any feedback on
our Seahtrue package when it comes to improvements or bugs, let us know.
Your input is valuable and can help us make Seahtrue better.