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# scTGIF Quality control and cell type annotation for unannotated single-cell RNA-Seq data Installation of Dependent Packages ====== ```r # CRAN install.packages("BiocManager", repos="") # Bioconductor library("BiocManager") BiocManager::install( c("GSEABase", "Biobase", "SingleCellExperiment", "BiocStyle", "plotly", "tagcloud", "knitr", "msigdbr", "rmarkdown", "Rcpp", "S4Vectors", "SummarizedExperiment", "RColorBrewer", "nnTensor", "scales", "testthat"), update=TRUE, ask=FALSE) ``` Installation ====== ```r git clone R CMD INSTALL scTGIF ``` or type the code below in the R console window ```r install.packages("devtools", repos="") library(devtools) devtools::install_github("rikenbit/scTGIF") ``` # Prerequisites - R (3.6.0 or higher) - pandoc (1.12.3 or higher) # License Copyright (c) 2019 Koki Tsuyuzaki and RIKEN Bioinformatics Research Unit Released under the [Artistic License 2.0]( # Authors - Koki Tsuyuzaki - Itoshi Nikaido