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> The onology lookup service, the backend behind rols has been > [updated]( As a result, > the rols package is being re-implemented and will undergo changes in > its user interface. The current interface will be maintained for > Bioconductor release 3.2 and will be discontinued afterwards. Please > see the [`rols`]( github page for > the new release. ### The Ontology Lookup Service The [Ontology Lookup Service]( (OLS), developed at the [European Bioinformatics Institute]( (EBI), is a unified web interface to query multiple ontologies from a single location. The [new version]( of the OLS uses a REST API. The `rols` package uses functionality from the [httr]( package to query the OLS directly from R. #### Changes in version 1.99.0 See section *Changes in `rols` 2.0* in the [vignette]( ### The `CVParam` class The `CVParam` S4 class allows to generate controlled vocabulary parameters for all 88 ontologies through the OLS, as used in the frame of the [Proteomics Standards Initiative]( (PSI) effort. ### Installation `rols` is available from the [Bioconductor]( repository. The package and its dependencies can be installed ``` source("") biocLite("rols") ``` See also the `rols` [Bioconductor page]( for on-line access to the vignette and the reference manual. ### Help * `rols` comes with plenty of documentation. Have a start with the vignette ``vignette("rols", package="rols")``. * Please direct your questions to the [Bioconductor support site]( * For feature requests and bug reports, use [GitHub issues](