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RETROFIT enables reference-free cell-type deconvolution of spatial transcriptomics data. ## ![Figure1]( <br /> ## Installation Install `retrofit` from github: ``` r install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("qunhualilab/retrofit") ``` Install `retrofit` from [Bioconductor]( ```{r} if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install(version='devel') BiocManager::install("retrofit") ``` ## Example ``` r library(retrofit) ## load built in data data(testSimulationData) x = testSimulationData$extra5_x sc_ref = testSimulationData$sc_ref marker_ref = testSimulationData$marker_ref ## decompose res = retrofit::decompose(x, L=16, iterations=100, verbose=TRUE) W = res$w H = res$h TH = res$th ## annotate with correlations res = retrofit::annotateWithCorrelations(sc_ref, K=8, decomp_w=W, decomp_h=H) W_annotated = res$w H_annotated = res$h cells = res$ranked_cells ## annotate with markers res = retrofit::annotateWithMarkers(marker_ref, K=8, decomp_w=W, decomp_h=H) W_annotated = res$w H_annotated = res$h cells = res$ranked_cells ``` More details can be found in the vignettes. - [Simulation Vignette]( - [Colon Vignette](