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# qsvaR
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Differential expressions analysis requires the ability to normalize
complex datasets. In the case of postmortem brain tissue we are tasked
with removing the effects of bench degradation. The `qsvaR` package
combines an established method for removing the effects of degradation
from RNA-seq data with easy to use functions. It is the second iteration
of the qSVA framework ([Jaffe et al, PNAS,
The first step in the `qsvaR` workflow is to create an
object with the transcripts identified in our qSVA experiment. If you
already have a
of transcripts we can do this with the `getDegTx()` function as shown
below.If not this can be generated with the
[`SPEAQeasy`](http://research.libd.org/SPEAQeasy/index.html) (a RNA-seq
pipeline maintained by our lab) pipeline using the `--qsva` flag. If you
already have a
object with transcripts then you do not need to run
[`SPEAQeasy`](http://research.libd.org/SPEAQeasy/index.html). This flag
requires a full path to a text file, containing one Ensembl transcript
ID per line for each transcript desired in the final transcripts R
output object (called `rse_tx`). The `sig_transcripts` argument in this
package should contain the same Ensembl transcript IDs as the text file
for the `--qsva` flag.The goal of `qsvaR` is to provide software that
can remove the effects of bench degradation from RNA-seq data.
## Installation Instructions
Get the latest stable R release from CRAN. Then install `qsvaR` using
from Bioconductor the following code:
``` r
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
And the development version from GitHub with:
``` r
## Example
This is a basic example which shows how to obtain the quality surrogate
variables (qSVs) for the brainseq [phase II
dataset](http://eqtl.brainseq.org/phase2). qSVs are essentially
principal components from an rna-seq experiment designed to model bench
degradation. For more on principal components you can read and
introductory article
At the start of this script we will have an
and a list of all the transcripts found in our degradation study. At the
end we will have a table with differential expression results that is
adjusted for qSVs.
``` r
## R packages we'll use
``` r
## We'll download example data from the BrainSeq Phase II project
## described at http://eqtl.brainseq.org/phase2/.
## We'll use BiocFileCache to cache these files so you don't have to download
## them again for other examples.
bfc <- BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache()
rse_file <- BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(
x = bfc
#> adding rname 'https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/libd-brainseq2/rse_tx_unfiltered.Rdata'
## Now that we have the data in our computer, we can load it.
load(rse_file, verbose = TRUE)
#> Loading objects:
#> rse_tx
In this next step, we subset to the transcripts associated with
degradation. `qsvaR` provides significant transcripts determined in four
different linear models of transcript expression against degradation
time, brain region, and potentially cell-type proportions:
1. `exp ~ DegradationTime + Region`
2. `exp ~ DegradationTime * Region`
3. `exp ~ DegradationTime + Region + CellTypeProp`
4. `exp ~ DegradationTime * Region + CellTypeProp`
`select_transcripts()` returns degradation-associated transcripts and
supports two parameters. First, `top_n` controls how many significant
transcripts to extract from each model. When `cell_component = TRUE`,
all four models are used; otherwise, just the first two are used. The
union of significant transcripts from all used models is returned.
As an example, we’ll subset our `RangedSummarizedExperiment` to the
union of the top 1000 significant transcripts derived from each of the
four models.
``` r
# Subset 'rse_tx' to the top 1000 significant transcripts from the four
# degradation models
DegTx <- getDegTx(
sig_transcripts = select_transcripts(top_n = 1000, cell_component = TRUE)
#> Using 2496 degradation-associated transcripts.
## Now we can compute the Principal Components (PCs) of the degraded
## transcripts
pcTx <- getPCs(DegTx, "tpm")
Next we use the `k_qsvs()` function to calculate how many PCs we will
need to account for the variation. A model matrix accounting for
relevant variables should be used. Common variables such as Age, Sex,
Race and Region are often included in the model. Again we are using our
`RangedSummarizedExperiment` `DegTx` as the `rse_tx` option. Next we
specify the `mod` with our `model.matrix()`. `model.matrix()` creates a
design (or model) matrix, e.g., by expanding factors to a set of dummy
variables (depending on the contrasts) and expanding interactions
similarly. For more information on creating a design matrix for your
experiment see the documentation
Again we use the `assayname` option to specify the we are using the
`tpm` assay, where TPM stands for *transcripts per million*.
``` r
## Using a simple statistical model we determine the number of PCs needed (k)
mod <- model.matrix(~ Dx + Age + Sex + Race + Region,
data = colData(rse_tx)
k <- k_qsvs(DegTx, mod, "tpm")
#> [1] 20
Now that we have our PCs and the number we need we can generate our
``` r
## Obtain the k qSVs
qsvs <- get_qsvs(pcTx, k)
#> [1] 900 20
This can be done in one step with our wrapper function `qSVA` which just
combinds all the previous mentioned functions.
``` r
## Example use of the wrapper function qSVA()
qsvs_wrapper <- qSVA(
rse_tx = rse_tx,
sig_transcripts = select_transcripts(top_n = 1000, cell_component = TRUE),
mod = mod,
assayname = "tpm"
#> Using 2496 degradation-associated transcripts.
#> [1] 900 20
## Differential Expression
Next we can use a standard `limma` package approach to do differential
expression on the data. The key here is that we add our qSVs to the
statistical model we use through `model.matrix()`. Here we input our
[`Ranged SummarizedExperiment`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/SummarizedExperiment/versions/1.2.3/topics/RangedSummarizedExperiment-class)
object and our `model.matrix` with qSVs. Note here that the
`Ranged SummarizedExperiment` object is the original object loaded with
the full list of transcripts, not the the one we subsetted for qSVs.
This is because while PCs can be generated from a subset of genes,
differential expression is best done on the full dataset. The expected
output is a `sigTx` object that shows the results of differential
``` r
## Add the qSVs to our statistical model
mod_qSVA <- cbind(
## Extract the transcript expression values and put them in the
## log2(TPM + 1) scale
txExprs <- log2(assays(rse_tx)$tpm + 1)
## Run the standard linear model for differential expression
fitTx <- lmFit(txExprs, mod_qSVA)
eBTx <- eBayes(fitTx)
## Extract the differential expression results
sigTx <- topTable(eBTx,
coef = 2,
p.value = 1, number = nrow(rse_tx)
## Explore the top results
#> logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val
#> ENST00000484223.1 -0.17439018 1.144051 -6.685583 4.099898e-11 8.121610e-06
#> ENST00000344423.9 0.09212678 1.837102 6.449533 1.855943e-10 1.838246e-05
#> ENST00000399808.4 0.28974369 4.246788 6.320041 4.165237e-10 2.233477e-05
#> ENST00000467370.5 0.06313938 0.301711 6.307179 4.509956e-10 2.233477e-05
#> ENST00000264657.9 0.09913353 2.450684 5.933186 4.280565e-09 1.375288e-04
#> ENST00000415912.6 0.09028757 1.736581 5.918230 4.671963e-09 1.375288e-04
#> B
#> ENST00000484223.1 14.338379
#> ENST00000344423.9 12.865110
#> ENST00000399808.4 12.077344
#> ENST00000467370.5 11.999896
#> ENST00000264657.9 9.811110
#> ENST00000415912.6 9.726142
Finally, you can compare the resulting t-statistics from your
differential expression model against the degradation time t-statistics
adjusting for the six different brain regions. This type of plot is
called `DEqual` plot and was shown in the initial qSVA framework paper
([Jaffe et al, PNAS, 2017](https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1617384114)). We
are really looking for two patterns exemplified here in Figure 1
(cartoon shown earlier). A direct positive correlation with degradation
shown in Figure 1 on the right tells us that there is signal in the data
associated with qSVs. An example of nonconfounded data or data that has
been modeled can be seen in Figure 1 on the right with its lack of
relationship between the x and y variables.
<div class="figure">
<img src="./man/figures/DEqual_example.png" alt="Cartoon showing patterns in DEqual plots" width="100%" />
<p class="caption">
Cartoon showing patterns in DEqual plots
``` r
## Generate a DEqual() plot using the model results with qSVs
<div class="figure">
<img src="man/figures/README-DEqual-1.png" alt="Result of Differential Expression with qSVA normalization." width="100%" />
<p class="caption">
Result of Differential Expression with qSVA normalization.
For comparison, here is the `DEqual()` plot for the model without qSVs.
``` r
## Generate a DEqual() plot using the model results without qSVs
DEqual(topTable(eBayes(lmFit(txExprs, mod)), coef = 2, p.value = 1, number = nrow(rse_tx)))
<div class="figure">
<img src="man/figures/README-DEqual-no-qSVs-1.png" alt="Result of Differential Expression without qSVA normalization." width="100%" />
<p class="caption">
Result of Differential Expression without qSVA normalization.
In these two DEqual plots we can see that the first is much better. With
a correlation of -0.014 we can effectively conclude that we have removed
the effects of degradation from the data. In the second plot after
modeling for several common variables we still have a correlation of 0.5
with the degradation experiment. This high correlation shows we still
have a large amount of signal from degradation in our data potentially
confounding our case-control (SCZD vs neurotypical controls)
differential expression results.