# A General Framework for Quality Control Metrics
## About
The `qcmetrics` package provides a general framework to develope
quality control (QC) pipelines for any type of data that can be
imported into `R`. The application of `qcmetrics` can be schematised
in 5 points
1. Identify a set of quality metrics of interest and implement them
and their visualisation method into individual `QcMetric`
2. Bundles the `QcMetric` items into a `QcMetrics` instance.
3. Automatically generate reports in pdf of html using the `qcReport`
function using the `QcMetrics` object of step 2 as input.
4. Optionally, reports can be customised.
5. Wrap the above steps into a wrapper function or a new QC package
for production use.
QC pipelines and packages will be described and disseminated through
the [wiki](https://github.com/lgatto/qcmetrics/wiki).
## Installation
*[qcmetrics](http://bioconductor.org/packages/qcmetrics)* is a Bioconductor package and should in
installed with
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
If you prefer to install the development version (not recommended)
BiocManager::install("qcmetrics", version = "devel")
## Bugs and question
Either file a
[GitHub issue](https://github.com/lgatto/qcmetrics/issues) or use the
[Bioconductor support forum](https://support.bioconductor.org/).