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# <img src="man/figures/pg-wordmark.png" width="400px" style="background-color:white;border=transparent" /> <img src="man/figures/pg-hex-text.png" align="right" width="140px" style="padding-left:20px; background-color:white" /> <!-- badges: start --> ![GitHub R package version]( [![R build status](]( <!-- badges: end --> ## Overview `plotgardener` is a genomic data visualization package for R. Using `grid` graphics, `plotgardener` empowers users to programmatically and flexibly generate multi-panel figures. `plotgardener` accomplishes these goals by utilizing 1) a coordinate-based plotting system, and 2) edge-to-edge containerized data visualization. The coordinate-based plotting system grants users precise control over the size, position, and arrangement of plots. Its edge-to-edge plotting functions preserve the mapping between user-specified containers and the represented data. This allows users to stack plots with confidence that vertically aligned data will correspond to the same regions. For more information about plotgardener’s philosophy and design, check out the `Our Philosophy` page. Specialized for genomic data, `plotgardener` also contains functions to read and plot multi-omic data quickly and easily. These functions are integrated with Bioconductor packages to flexibly accommodate a large variety of genomic assemblies. `plotgardener` can address an endless number of use cases, including: dynamic exploration of genomic data, arrangment into multi-omic layouts, and survey plotting for quickly viewing data across the genome. Check out our `vignettes` for detailed examples and suggested use cases! ## Citation To cite `plotgardener` in publications use: Nicole E Kramer, Eric S Davis, Craig D Wenger, Erika M Deoudes, Sarah M Parker, Michael I Love, Douglas H Phanstiel, Plotgardener: cultivating precise multi-panel figures in R, *Bioinformatics*, 2022. ## Installation plotgardener can be installed from Bioconductor version 3.15 (R version 4.2) as follows: ``` r if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install(version = "3.15") BiocManager::install("plotgardener") ``` Example datasets and files are included with the package plotgardenerData: ``` r BiocManager::install("plotgardenerData") ``` ## Usage <img src="man/figures/homePage-1.png" width="672" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ``` r ## Load libraries and datasets library("plotgardener") library("") library("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene") library("plotgardenerData") library("AnnotationHub") data("GM12878_HiC_10kb") data("IMR90_HiC_10kb") data("GM12878_ChIP_CTCF_signal") data("IMR90_ChIP_CTCF_signal") data("GM12878_ChIP_H3K27ac_signal") data("IMR90_ChIP_H3K27ac_signal") ## Create a plotgardener page pageCreate(width = 7, height = 4.25, default.units = "inches") ########################## ######## Panel A ######### ########################## ## Text section label plotText(label = "A", fontsize = 12, x = 0.25, y = 0.25, just = "left", default.units = "inches") ## Set genomic and dimension parameters in a `params` object params_a <- pgParams(chrom = "chr21", chromstart = 28000000, chromend = 30300000, assembly = "hg19", x = 0.25, width = 2.75, just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "inches") ## Double-sided Hi-C Plot hicPlot_top <- plotHicSquare(data = GM12878_HiC_10kb, params = params_a, zrange = c(0, 200), resolution = 10000, half = "top", y = 0.5, height = 2.75) hicPlot_bottom <- plotHicSquare(data = IMR90_HiC_10kb, params = params_a, zrange = c(0, 70), resolution = 10000, half = "bottom", y = 0.5, height = 2.75) ## Annotate Hi-C heatmap legends annoHeatmapLegend(plot = hicPlot_bottom, fontsize = 7, x = 3.05, y = 0.5, width = 0.07, height = 0.5, just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "inches") annoHeatmapLegend(plot = hicPlot_top, fontsize = 7, x = .125, y = 0.5, width = 0.07, height = 0.5, just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "inches") ## Plot gene track genes_a <- plotGenes(params = params_a, stroke = 1, fontsize = 6, y = 3.35, height = 0.4) ## Annotate genome label annoGenomeLabel(plot = genes_a, params = params_a, scale = "Mb", fontsize = 7, y = 3.85) ########################## ######## Panel B ######### ########################## ## Text section label plotText(label = "B", fontsize = 12, x = 3.5, y = 0.25, just = "left", default.units = "inches") ## Plot ideogram plotIdeogram(chrom = "chr21", assembly = "hg19", x = 3.5, y = 0.5, width = 3.25, height = 0.15, just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "inches") ## Add text to ideogram plotText(label = "Chromosome 21", fontsize = 8, fontcolor = "darkgrey", x = 6.75, y = 0.4, just = "right", default.units = "inches") ########################## ######## Panel C ######### ########################## ## Text section label plotText(label = "C", fontsize = 12, x = 3.5, y = 1, just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "inches") ## Set genomic and dimension parameters in a `params` object params_c <- pgParams(chrom = "chr21", chromstart = 28150000, chromend = 29150000, assembly = "hg19", x = 3.5, width = 1.5, default.units = "inches") ## Set signal track data ranges ctcf_range <- pgParams(range = c(0, 77), assembly = "hg19") hk_range <- pgParams(range = c(0, 32.6), assembly = "hg19") ## Plot Hi-C triangle hic_gm <- plotHicTriangle(data = GM12878_HiC_10kb, params = params_c, zrange = c(0, 200), resolution = 10000, y = 1.75, height = 0.75, just = c("left", "bottom")) ## Annotate Hi-C heatmap legend annoHeatmapLegend(plot = hic_gm, fontsize = 7, x = 5, y = 1, width = 0.07, height = 0.5, just = c("right", "top"), default.units = "inches") ## Plot CTCF signal ctcf_gm <- plotSignal(data = GM12878_ChIP_CTCF_signal, params = c(params_c, ctcf_range), fill = "#253494", linecolor = "#253494", y = 1.95, height = 0.6) ## CTCF label plotText(label = "CTCF", fontcolor = "#253494", fontsize = 8, x = 3.5, y = 1.95, just = c("left","top"), default.units = "inches") ## Plot H3K27ac signal hk_gm <- plotSignal(data = GM12878_ChIP_H3K27ac_signal, params = c(params_c, hk_range), fill = "#37a7db", linecolor = "#37a7db", y = 3.25, height = 0.6, just = c("left", "bottom")) ## H3K27ac label plotText(label = "H3K27ac", fontcolor = "#37a7db", fontsize = 8, x = 3.5, y = 2.65, just = c("left","top"), default.units = "inches") ## Plot genes genes_gm <- plotGenes(params = params_c, stroke = 1, fontsize = 6, strandLabels = FALSE, y = 3.35, height = 0.4) ## Annotate genome label annoGenomeLabel(plot = genes_gm, params = params_c, scale = "Kb", fontsize = 7, y = 3.85) ########################## ######## Panel D ######### ########################## ## Text section label plotText(label = "D", fontsize = 12, x = 5.25, y = 1, just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "inches") ## Set genomic and dimension parameters in a `params` object params_d <- pgParams(chrom = "chr21", chromstart = 28150000, chromend = 29150000, assembly = "hg19", x = 6.75, width = 1.5, default.units = "inches") ## Plot Hi-C triangle hic_imr <- plotHicTriangle(data = IMR90_HiC_10kb, params = params_d, zrange = c(0, 70), resolution = 10000, y = 1.75, height = 0.75, just = c("right", "bottom")) ## Annotate Hi-C heatmap legend annoHeatmapLegend(plot = hic_imr, fontsize = 7, digits = 0, x = 6.75, y = 1, width = 0.07, height = 0.5, just = c("right", "top")) ## Plot CTCF signal ctcf_imr <- plotSignal(data = IMR90_ChIP_CTCF_signal, params = c(params_d, ctcf_range), fill = "#253494", linecolor = "#253494", y = 1.95, height = 0.6, just = c("right", "top")) ## Plot H3K27ac signal hk_imr <- plotSignal(data = IMR90_ChIP_H3K27ac_signal, params = c(params_d, hk_range), fill = "#37a7db", linecolor = "#37a7db", y = 3.25, height = 0.6, just = c("right", "bottom")) ## Plot gene track genes_imr <- plotGenes(params = params_d, stroke = 1, fontsize = 6, strandLabels = FALSE, y = 3.35, height = 0.4, just = c("right", "top")) ## Annotate genome label annoGenomeLabel(plot = genes_imr, params = params_d, scale = "Kb", fontsize = 7, digits = 0, y = 3.85, just = c("right", "top")) ## Hide page guides pageGuideHide() ``` ## A word of caution `plotgardener` is incredibly flexible and functional. However, due to this flexibility and like all programming packages, it may not always prevent users from making unintentional mistakes. If plot sizes are entered incorrectly or data is mishandled, it is possible to connect multi-omic data incorrectly. Make sure you utilize package features that reduce human error and increase re-usability of code to get the most mileage out of plotgardener.