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# pathlinkR <img src="man/figures/pathlinkR_logo_32.svg" align="right" height="138" /> <!-- badges: start --> ![GitHub R package version (branch)]( [![R-CMD-check](]( [![Codecov test coverage](]( <!-- badges: end --> ## Overview **pathlinkR** is an R package designed to facilitate analysis DE genes produced from of RNA-Seq experiments. Our aim with **pathlinkR** is to provide a number of functions/tools which can be applied to list(s) of DE genes, to help the user obtain biological insights into their results, and produce publication-ready figures to summarize these findings. Check out our article in PLOS Computational Biology: <> ## Installation **pathlinkR** can be installed from this Github repository via devtools, or from Bioconductor as follows: ```r # Github development devtools::install_github("") # Bioconductor release BiocManager::install("pathlinkR") # Bioconductor develelopment BiocManager::install("pathlinkR", version="devel") ``` ## Workflow & functions The functions provided in **pathlinkR** can be grouped into a number of different general approaches: - Direct visualization of differential expression results: - Volcano plots to show the transcriptomic changes in a single condition - Heatmaps to compare fold changes of groups of genes across multiple conditions - Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) network creation and visualization, leveraging curated interaction data from [InnateDB]( - A combined interface to multiple pathway enrichment tools, including [Reactome]( pathways and [MSigDB Hallmark]( gene sets - Simple yet effective plots to summarize and compare these findings across multiple conditions - Pathway enrichment results can also be visualized as a network of connected pathways, with the option for static or interactive output See the [vignette]( for an example workflow including each of the included functions, and more details on the included methods and how they may be used. ## Contributors **pathlinkR** was created and developed by Andy An & Travis Blimkie at the CMDR REW Hancock Lab. ## Versioning This package follows Bioconductor's guidelines on version numbering; more information can be found [here]( ## License This project uses the GNU General Public License v3.0, available [here]( <br> [<img src="man/figures/hancock_lab_logo.svg" height="40px">](