Name Mode Size
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R 040000
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man 040000
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vignettes 040000
.Rbuildignore 100644 0 kb
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DESCRIPTION 100644 1 kb
Dockerfile 100644 1 kb
LICENSE 100644 34 kb
Makefile 100644 0 kb
NAMESPACE 100644 4 kb 100644 2 kb 100644 2 kb
_pkgdown.yml 100644 2 kb
logo_mid.png 100644 11 kb
sticker.R 100644 1 kb
openCyto [<img src="logo_mid.png"/>]( ======== [![Build Status](]( An R package that providing an automated data analysis pipeline for flow cytometry. ### Reporting Bugs or Issues - Use the issue template in github when creating a new issue. - Follow the instructions in the template (do your background reading). - Search and verify that the issue hasn't already been addressed. - Check the Bioconductor support site. - Make sure your flow packages are up to date. - THEN if your issue persists, file a bug report. Otherwise, we may close your issue without responding. ## Documentation Resources The [github-pages]( site documentation is a bit outdated. The [package vignettes]( are the current best resource to get started with the openCyto. - [An introduction to the openCyto package]( - [How to use different auto gating functions]( - [How to write a csv gating template]( The `add_pop()` API is a good interactive approach to building up a template, population by population. It takes arguments found in the `csv` template, performs the gating of a `GatingSet` or `GatingHierarchy` and returns a line of text that can be added to a `csv` template.