# motifcounter - R package for analysing TFBSs in DNA sequences.
This software package grew out of the work that I did to obtain my PhD.
If it is of help for your analysis, please cite
title = {motifcounter: R package for analysing TFBSs in DNA sequences},
author = {Wolfgang Kopp},
year = {2017},
doi = {10.18129/B9.bioc.motifcounter}
A detailed description of the compound Poisson model
is available in
title={An improved compound Poisson model for the number of motif hits in DNA sequences},
author={Kopp, Wolfgang and Vingron, Martin},
publisher={Oxford University Press}
## Usage
# Estimate a background model on a set of sequences
bg <- readBackground(sequences, order)
# Normalize a given PFM
new_motif <- normalizeMotif(motif)
# Evaluate the scores along a given sequence
scores <- scoreSequence(sequence, motif, bg)
# Evaluate the motif hits along a given sequence
hits <- motifHits(sequence, motif, bg)
# Evaluate the average score profile
score_profile <- scoreProfile(sequences, motif, bg)
# Evaluate the average motif hit profile
hit_profile <- motifHitProfile(sequences, motif, bg)
# Compute the motif hit enrichment
enrichment <- motifEnrichment(sequences, motif, bg)
## Hallmarks of `motifcounter`
The `motifcounter` package facilitates the analysis of
transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) in DNA sequences.
It can be used to scan a set of DNA sequences for known motifs
(e.g. from TRANSFAC or JASPAR) in order to determine the positions
and enrichment of TFBSs in the sequences.
Therefore, an analysis with `motifcounter` requires as input
1. a position frequency matrix (PFM) which represents the TF affinity towards the DNA
2. a background model, which is estimated from a given DNA sequence and which
serves as a reference for the statistical analysis.
3. a desired false positive level, for identifying putative TFBSs in DNA sequences. For example, a reasonable choice would be to choose a false positive level such that only one in 1000 positions are called TFBSs falsely.
4. a given DNA sequence, which is subject to the TFBS analysis.
The package aims to improve motif hit enrichment analysis. To this end,
the package offers a number of features:
1. `motifcounter` supports the use of **higher-order Markov models**
to account for the sequence composition in unbound DNA segments.
This improves the reliability of the enrichment analysis, because higher-order
sequence features occur commonly in natural DNA sequences (e.g. CpG islands).
2. The package automatically accounts for **self-overlapping** motif
structures<sup><a href="#fn1" id="ref1">1</a></sup>. This aspect is important
for reducing the false positives obtained from the enrichment test, which is
prevalent for repeat-like and palindromic motifs.
`motifcounter` not only determines self-overlapping motif hit occurrences
on a single DNA strand, but (by default)
also with respect to the reverse strand.
### Enrichment model
`motifcounter` implements two analytic approximations of the
*distribution of the number of motif hits*
in random DNA sequences that can optionally be used for the
enrichment test:
1. A *compound Poisson approximation*
2. A *combinatorial approximation*
Both approximations yield highly accurate results for stringent
false positive levels.
Moreover, if you intend to analyse long DNA sequences or
a large set of individual sequences (total sequence length >10kb),
we recommend to use the *compound Poisson approximation*.
On the other hand, we recommend the *combinatorial approximation*
if a relaxed false positive level is prefered to identify TFBSs.
## Installation
An easy way to install `motifcounter` is by facilitating
the `devtools` R package.
install_github("wkopp/motifcounter", build_vignettes=TRUE)
Alternatively, the package can also be cloned or
downloaded from this github-rep,
built via `R CMD build`
and installed via the `R CMD INSTALL` command.
## Getting started
The `motifcounter` package contains a tutorial that illustrates:
1. how to determine position- and strand-specific TF motif binding sites,
2. how to analyse the profile of motif hit occurrences across a set of
aligned sequences, and
3. how to test for motif enrichment in a given set of sequences.
The tutorial can be found in the package-vignette:
## Acknowledgements
Thanks to [matthuska](https://github.com/matthuska) for reviewing and commenting
on the package.
<sup id="fn1">1: Self-overlapping motifs induce
**clumps of motif hits** (that is, mutually
overlapping motif hits) when a DNA sequence is scanned for hits.
As a consequence of **motif clumping**, the distribution of the number of
motif hits, and thus, the enrichment test are affected.<a href="#ref1" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text.">↩</a></sup>