## mfa - Bayesian inference of bifurcations in single-cell data
`mfa` is an R package implementing Gibbs sampling for a Bayesian hierarchichal mixture of factor analysers for inference of bifurcations in single-cell data.
[](https://travis-ci.org/kieranrcampbell/mfa) [](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.345981)
### Installation
`mfa` may be installed either via Bioconductor (coming soon) or Github:
#### Installation from Bioconductor
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
#### Installation from Github
devtools::install_github("kieranrcampbell/mfa", build_vignettes = TRUE)
### Usage
For a cell-by-gene matrix of expression Y, MFA can be envoked via
m <- mfa(Y)
which will perform Gibbs sampling to infer pseudotimes, branch structure, and genes involved in the bifurcation.
For full usage see the package vignette:
### Authors
Kieran Campbell & Christopher Yau
University of Oxford