# katdetectr
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## Introduction
`katdetectr` is an *R* package for the detection, characterization and visualization of localized hypermutated regions, often referred to as *kataegis*.
Please see the [Technical Note](https://academic.oup.com/gigascience/article/doi/10.1093/gigascience/giad081/7319580) for additional background, details and performance evaluations of `katdetectr`.
The general workflow of `katdetectr` can be summarized as follows:
1. Import of genomic variants; VCF, MAF or VRanges objects.
2. Detection of kataegis loci.
3. Visualization of segmentation and kataegis loci.
Please see the vignette for an overview of the workflow in a step-by-step manner on publicly-available datasets which are included within this package.
## Citation
Hazelaar, D. M., van Riet, J., Hoogstrate, Y., & van de Werken, H. J. (2023). Katdetectr: an R/bioconductor package utilizing unsupervised changepoint analysis for robust kataegis detection. GigaScience, 12, giad081.
## Installation
Download katdetectr from BioConductor or Github:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
### Development version
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))