# igvR
igvR is an R package providing interactive connections to
(the Integrative Genomics Viewer) running in a web browser.

I am grateful to Jim Robinson, Helga Thorvaldsdóttir, Douglass Turner and
colleagues for their fine work in igv.js, and their unfailing
responsiveness to all requests and questions.
igvR is based upon the Bioconductor R package
[BrowserViz](https://gladkia.github.io/BrowserViz/) - of which it
is a subclass. It offers easy interactive visual exploration of
genomic data from R, including
- Bed (annotation) and BedGraph (quantitative)
tracks can be created out of **_R_** data.frames and GenomicRanges
- Aligment data from bam files via GAlignments objects offered by
the GenomicAlignments class
- variant data from VCF files via VCF objects offered by the
VariantAnnotation class.
- any tabular data with genomic coordinates and a bed-like format
This work is motivated by our belief that contemporary web browsers,
supporting HTML5 and Canvas, and running increasingly powerful
Javascript libraries (Three.js, d3, igv.js and cytoscape.js) have become
the best setting in which to develop interactive graphics for
exploratory data analysis.
This package has a first cousin,
RStudio may at some point release a version of Shiny which, when launched, leaves the R console open
for interactive commands. When that feature is available, I will
merge igvR and igvShiny.
The package is fully documented
[here](https://gladkia.github.io/igvR/index.html), with full function reference and
many examples in vignettes (see the **Articles** menu).