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.github 040000
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<!-- markdownlint-disable-file --> <!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file --> \# hermes <p align="center"> <img src='man/figures/logo.png' align="right" height="131.5" alt="hermes-logo"/> </p> <!-- start badges --> [![Check 🛠](]( [![Docs 📚](]( [![Code Coverage 📔](]( ![GitHub forks]( ![GitHub repo stars]( ![GitHub commit activity]( ![GitHub contributors]( ![GitHub last commit]( ![GitHub pull requests]( ![GitHub repo size]( ![GitHub language count]( [![Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.](]( [![Current Version](]( [![Open Issues](]( <!-- end badges --> > `hermes` facilitates preprocessing, analyzing, and reporting of > RNA-seq data. - Imports `RNAseq` count data into the `hermes` ready format. - Annotates gene information automatically from a central database (e.g. `BioMart`). - Adds quality control (QC) flags to genes and samples. - Filters the data set. - Normalizes the counts. - Quickly produces descriptive plots. - Performs principal components analysis. - Produces a templated QC report. - Performs differential expression analysis. ## Installation ### `BioConductor` You can install the current release from `BioConductor` with: ``` r if (!require("BiocManager")) { install.packages("BiocManager") } BiocManager::install("hermes") ``` ### GitHub You can install the development version from GitHub with: ``` r if (!require("devtools")) { install.packages("devtools") } devtools::install_github("insightsengineering/hermes") ``` ## Getting Started You can get started by reading the introduction vignette: ``` r library(hermes) vignette("introduction", package = "hermes") ```