# Introduction
`gwasurvivr` can be used to perform survival analyses of imputed genotypes from Sanger and Michigan imputation servers and IMPUTE2 software. This vignette is a tutorial on how to perform these analyses. This package can be run locally on a Linux, Mac OS X, Windows or conveniently batched on a high performing computing cluster. `gwasurvivr` iteratively processes the data in chunks and therefore intense memory requirements are not necessary.
`gwasurvivr` package comes with three main functions to perform survival analyses using Cox proportional hazard (Cox PH) models depending on the imputation method used to generate the genotype data:
1. `michiganCoxSurv`: Performs survival analysis on imputed genetic data stored in compressed VCF files generated via Michigan imputation server.
2. `sangerCoxSurv`: Performs survival analysis on imputed genetic data stored in compressed VCF files generated via Sanger imputation server.
3. `impute2CoxSurv`: Performs survival analysis on imputed genetic data from IMPUTE2 output.
4. `gdsCoxSurv`: For files that are already in GDS format (originally in IMPUTE2 format), users can provide a path to their GDS file and perform survival analysis and avoid having to recompress their files each run.
5. `plinkCoxSurv`: For directly typed data (or imputed data that is thresholded in plink) that are plink format (.bed, .bim, .fam files), users can can perform survival analysis.
All functions fit a Cox PH model to each SNP including other user defined covariates and will save the results as a text file directly to disk that contains survival analysis results. `gwasurvivr` functions can also test for interaction of SNPs with a given covariate. See examples for further details.
# Installation
This package is currently available on [Bioconductor devel branch](https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/gwasurvivr.html) or by using `devtools` library for R >= 3.4 and going to the Sucheston Campbell Lab GitHub repository (this page). If using R 3.5, use `BiocManager` to install the package, if using R >= 3.4, `BiocInstaller` or `biocLite` can be used.
For R >= 3.5:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install("gwasurvivr", version = "devel")
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))
For R >= 3.4 and R < 3.5:
# How to use package
Please refer to the [vignette](http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/gwasurvivr/inst/doc/gwasurvivr_Introduction.html) for a detailed description on how to use gwasurvivr functions for survival analysis (Cox proportional hazard model).