<img src="inst/hexlogo/hexlogo.png" alt="ggseqalign hex sticker" width="400"/>
## Intro
This is an R package to perform pairwise alignments of strings and plot them in a minimal style that is suitable for strings/sequences of any length. It is compatible with ggplot2 and DNA/AA sequence objects from `Biostrings`.
I am currently working on a Bioconductor submission for this package, but it should be usable in its current state.
## Installation
### R version 4.4 and above
`ggseqalign` can be installed from its original source on GitHub (requires `devtools`).
Until the next major version of Bioconductor (expected October 2024),
`ggseqalign` can be installed from the `Devel` version of Bioconductor.
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
BiocManager::install(version = "devel")
BiocManager::valid() # checks for out of date packages
See the
vignette for instructions on using
multiple versions of Bioconductor.
### earlier R versions
If you use any R version older than `4.4.0`, install version 0.1.0 of this package.
### Bioconductor
This will be updated for installation instructions from Bioconductor if the submission is successful.
## Quick start
All you need is this package and some strings to align and you are ready to go.
query_strings <- (c("boo", "fibububuzz", "bozz", "baofuzz"))
subject_string <- "boofizz"
alignment <- alignment_table(query_strings, subject_string)
<img src="inst/figs/rm_ex1.png" alt="output of the code above" width="400"/>
To align DNA or AA sequences from a fasta file, read them in with `Biostrings`
query_sequences <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet("my_multi_sequence_fasta.fa")
subject_sequence <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet("my_reference_fasta.fa")
alignment <- alignment_table(query_sequences, subject_sequence)
pl <- plot_sequence_alignment(alignment)
<img src="inst/figs/rm_ex2.png" alt="output of the code above" width="400"/>
To style the plot generated above to your own taste, use `ggplot2`, for example:
pl +
ylab("Sequence variants") +
xlab("Length in bp") +
scale_color_viridis_d() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1),
axis.title = element_text())
<img src="inst/figs/rm_ex3.png" alt="output of the code above" width="400"/>
### Bug reports
If you come across bugs, please [submit an issue](https://github.com/simeross/ggseqalign/issues)
### License
Artistic License 2.0.
### Credit
The research and data generation that was a major motivation for me to finally create this package has received funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, [project DivGene: UMO-2019/34/H/NZ9/00559](https://eeagrants.org/archive/2014-2021/projects/PL-Basic%20Research-0012)