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[![R-CMD-check](]( # gatom An R-package for finding active metabolic modules in atom transition network. Full vignette can be found [here]( ### Installation ``` r library(devtools) install_github("ctlab/gatom") ``` ### Quick start ``` r library(gatom) library(data.table) library(igraph) library(mwcsr) ``` First let’s load data with atom mappings (`network` object), enzyme annotations for mouse (``) and metabolite annotations (`met.kegg.db.rda`): ``` r data("networkEx") data("") data("met.kegg.dbEx") ``` Loading input data: ``` r data("") data("") ``` Getting atom graph: ``` r g <- makeMetabolicGraph(network=networkEx, topology = "atoms",,, met.db=met.kegg.dbEx, ``` ## Found DE table for genes with RefSeq IDs ## Found DE table for metabolites with HMDB IDs ``` r print(g) ``` ## IGRAPH b23a8ad UN-- 176 190 -- ## + attr: name (v/c), metabolite (v/c), element (v/c), label (v/c), url ## | (v/c), pval (v/n), origin (v/n), HMDB (v/c), log2FC (v/n), baseMean ## | (v/n), logPval (v/n), signal (v/c), label (e/c), pval (e/n), origin ## | (e/n), RefSeq (e/c), gene (e/c), enzyme (e/c), reaction_name (e/c), ## | reaction_equation (e/c), url (e/c), reaction (e/c), log2FC (e/n), ## | baseMean (e/n), logPval (e/n), signal (e/c), signalRank (e/n) ## + edges from b23a8ad (vertex names): ## [1] C00025_-0.3248_2.8125 --C00026_-0.3248_2.8125 ## [2] C00025_-1.6238_3.5625 --C00026_-1.6238_3.5625 ## [3] C00025_-2.9228_2.8125 --C00026_-2.9228_2.8125 ## + ... omitted several edges Scoring graph, obtaining an instance of SGMWCS (Signal Generalized Maximum Weight Subgraph) problem instance: ``` r gs <- scoreGraph(g, k.gene=25, k.met=25) ``` Initialize an SMGWCS solver (a heuristic relax-and-cut solver `rnc_solver` is used for simplicity, check out `mwcsr` package documentation for more options): ``` r solver <- rnc_solver() ``` Finding a module: ``` r res <- solve_mwcsp(solver, gs) m <- res$graph ``` ``` r print(m) ``` ## IGRAPH e74bc24 UN-- 37 36 -- ## + attr: signals (g/n), name (v/c), metabolite (v/c), element (v/c), ## | label (v/c), url (v/c), pval (v/n), origin (v/n), HMDB (v/c), log2FC ## | (v/n), baseMean (v/n), logPval (v/n), signal (v/c), score (v/n), ## | label (e/c), pval (e/n), origin (e/n), RefSeq (e/c), gene (e/c), ## | enzyme (e/c), reaction_name (e/c), reaction_equation (e/c), url ## | (e/c), reaction (e/c), log2FC (e/n), baseMean (e/n), logPval (e/n), ## | signal (e/c), signalRank (e/n), score (e/n) ## + edges from e74bc24 (vertex names): ## [1] C00025_-2.9228_2.8125 --C00026_-2.9228_2.8125 ## [2] C00024_15.0644_27.8518--C00033_-1.6238_0.5625 ## + ... omitted several edges ``` r head(E(m)$label) ``` ## [1] "Psat1" "Acss2" "Gpt2" "Got2" "Pkm" "Tpi1" ``` r head(V(m)$label) ``` ## [1] "Pyruvate" "Acetyl-CoA" "L-Glutamate" "2-Oxoglutarate" ## [5] "Acetate" "Oxaloacetate" We can save the module to different formats (dot, xgmml, svg, pdf): ``` r saveModuleToPdf(m, file="M0.vs.M1.pdf", name="M0.vs.M1", n_iter=100, force=1e-5) ``` ![Module](