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[![Travis-CI Build Status](]( [![AppVeyor Build Status](]( [![codecov](]( # fgsea An R-package for fast preranked gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). The package implements a special algorithm to calculate the empirical enrichment score null distributions simulthaneously for all the gene set sizes, which allows up to **several hundred times faster** execution time compared to original Broad implementation. See [the preprint]( for algorithmic details. Full vignette can be found here: ## Installation ```{r} library(devtools) install_github("ctlab/fgsea") ``` ## Quick run Loading libraries ```{r} library(data.table) library(fgsea) library(ggplot2) ``` Loading example pathways and gene-level statistics: ```{r} data(examplePathways) data(exampleRanks) ``` Running fgsea (should take about 10 seconds): ```{r} fgseaRes <- fgsea(pathways = examplePathways, stats = exampleRanks, minSize=15, maxSize=500, nperm=10000) ``` The head of resulting table sorted by p-value: ``` pathway pval padj ES NES nMoreExtreme size 1: 5990980_Cell_Cycle 0.0001221001 0.002356366 0.5388497 2.682641 0 369 2: 5990979_Cell_Cycle,_Mitotic 0.0001252976 0.002356366 0.5594755 2.738270 0 317 3: 5991210_Signaling_by_Rho_GTPases 0.0001310444 0.002356366 0.4238512 2.009963 0 231 4: 5991454_M_Phase 0.0001372872 0.002356366 0.5576247 2.548794 0 173 5: 5991023_Metabolism_of_carbohydrates 0.0001378930 0.002356366 0.4944766 2.240678 0 160 6: 5991209_RHO_GTPase_Effectors 0.0001386001 0.002356366 0.5248796 2.369573 0 157 7: 5991502_Mitotic_Metaphase_and_Anaphase 0.0001450326 0.002356366 0.6052907 2.633267 0 123 8: 5991600_Mitotic_Anaphase 0.0001452222 0.002356366 0.6015521 2.613626 0 122 9: 5991599_Separation_of_Sister_Chromatids 0.0001460707 0.002356366 0.6164600 2.661433 0 116 10: 5991130_Programmed_Cell_Death 0.0001465201 0.002356366 0.4537506 1.941445 0 108 ``` One can make an enrichment plot for a pathway: ```{r} plotEnrichment(examplePathways[["5991130_Programmed_Cell_Death"]], exampleRanks) + labs(title="Programmed Cell Death") ``` ![enrichment.png]( Or make a table plot for a bunch of selected pathways: ```{r} topPathwaysUp <- fgseaRes[ES > 0, ][head(order(pval), n=10), pathway] topPathwaysDown <- fgseaRes[ES < 0, ][head(order(pval), n=10), pathway] topPathways <- c(topPathwaysUp, rev(topPathwaysDown)) plotGseaTable(examplePathways[topPathways], exampleRanks, fgseaRes, gseaParam = 0.5) ``` <img src="" width="600">