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<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file --> # fastreeR <!-- badges: start --> [![BioC status](]( <!-- badges: end --> The goal of fastreeR is to provide functions for calculating distance matrix, building phylogenetic tree or performing hierarchical clustering between samples, directly from a VCF or FASTA file. ## Requirements A JDK, at least 8, is required and needs to be present before installing `fastreeR`. ## Installation To install `fastreeR` package: ``` r if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("fastreeR") ``` You can install the development version of `fastreeR` like so: ``` r devtools::install_github("gkanogiannis/fastreeR") ``` ## Sample data Toy vcf, fasta and distance sample data files are provided in `inst/extdata`. ### samples.vcf.gz Sample VCF file of 100 individuals and 1000 variants, in Chromosome22, from the 1K Genomes project. Original file available at <> ``` r vcfFile <- system.file("extdata", "samples.vcf.gz", package="fastreeR") ``` ### samples.vcf.dist.gz Distances from the previous sample VCF ``` r vcfDist <- system.file("extdata", "samples.vcf.dist.gz", package="fastreeR") ``` ### samples.vcf.istats Individual statistics from the previous sample VCF ``` r vcfIstats <- system.file("extdata", "samples.vcf.istats", package="fastreeR") ``` ### samples.fasta.gz Sample FASTA file of 48 random bacteria RefSeq from <> . ``` r fastaFile <- system.file("extdata", "samples.fasta.gz", package="fastreeR") ``` ### samples.fasta.dist.gz Distances from the previous sample FASTA ``` r fastaDist <- system.file("extdata", "samples.fasta.dist.gz",package="fastreeR") ``` ## Memory requirements for VCF input At minimum, make sure to allocate for JVM at least 10 bytes per variant per sample. If there are `n` samples and `m` variants allocate `10 x n x m` bytes of RAM. For example, for processing a VCF file containing data for 1 million variants and 1 thousand samples, allocate at least : 10^6 x 10^3 x 10 = 10^10 bytes = 10GB of RAM. For optimal execution, allocate more RAM than minimum. This will trigger less times garbage collections and hence less pauses. In order to allocate RAM, a special parameter needs to be passed while JVM initializes. JVM parameters can be passed by setting `java.parameters` option. The `-Xmx` parameter, followed (without space) by an integer value and a letter, is used to tell JVM what is the maximum amount of heap RAM that it can use. The letter in the parameter (uppercase or lowercase), indicates RAM units. For example, parameters `-Xmx1024m` or `-Xmx1024M` or `-Xmx1g` or `-Xmx1G`, all allocate 1 Gigabyte or 1024 Megabytes of maximum RAM for JVM. In order to allocate 3GB of RAM for the JVM, through R code, use: ``` r options(java.parameters="-Xmx3G") ``` A rough estimation for the required RAM, if sample and variant numbers are not known, is half the size of the uncompressed VCF file. For example for processing a VCF file, which uncompressed occupies 2GB of disk space, allocate 1GB of RAM. ## Distances from VCF Calculates a cosine type dissimilarity measurement between the `n` samples of a VCF file. Biallelic or multiallelic (maximum 7 alternate alleles) SNP and/or INDEL variants are considered, phased or not. Some VCF encoding examples are: - heterozygous variants : `1/0` or `0/1` or `0/2` or `1|0` or `0|1` or `0|2` - homozygous to the reference allele variants : `0/0` or `0|0` - homozygous to the first alternate allele variants : `1/1` or `1|1` If there are `n` samples and `m` variants, an `nxn` zero-diagonal symmetric distance matrix is calculated. The calculated cosine type distance (1-cosine_similarity)/2 is in the range `[0,1]` where value `0` means completely identical samples (cosine is `1`), value `0.5` means perpendicular samples (cosine is `0`) and value 1 means completely opposite samples (cosine is `-1`). The calculation is performed by a Java back-end implementation, that supports multi-core CPU utilization and can be demanding in terms of memory resources. By default a JVM is launched with a maximum memory allocation of 512 MB. When this amount is not sufficient, the user needs to reserve additional memory resources, before loading the package, by updating the value of the `java.parameters` option. For example in order to allocate 4GB of RAM, the user needs to issue `options(java.parameters="-Xmx4g")` before `library(fastreeR)`. Output file will contain `n+1` lines. The first line contains the number `n` of samples and number `m` of variants, separated by space. Each of the subsequent `n` lines contains `n+1` values, separated by space. The first value of each line is a sample name and the rest `n` values are the calculated distances of this sample to all the samples. Example output file of the distances of 3 samples calculated from 1000 variants: | 3 1000 | | | | |---------|-----|-----|-----| | Sample1 | 0.0 | 0.5 | 0.2 | | Sample2 | 0.5 | 0.0 | 0.9 | | Sample3 | 0.2 | 0.9 | 0.0 | ## Distances from FASTA ## Tree from distances ## Clusters from tree