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DESCRIPTION 100644 3 kb
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# epimutacions `epimutacions` is an R/Biconductor package. The package provides 6 statistical methods for outlier detection in DNA methylation data. It also contains function for results visualization and annotation. # Installation The `epimutacions` package can be installed using the following code: ``` if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("epimutacions") ``` The `epimutacions` package depends on `epimutacionsData` package which can be installed as following: ``` if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("epimutacionsData") ``` # Usage * See vignette: # Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the team who collaborated in the initial design of the package in the European BioHackathon 2020: Lordstrong Akano, James Baye, Alejandro Caceres, Pavlo Hrab, Raquel Manzano and Margherita Mutarelli. The authors also want to thank the organization of European BioHackathon 2020 for its support. # Contact * Dolors Pelegri-Siso: * Juan R. Gonzalez: * Carlos Ruiz-Arenas: * Carles Hernandez-Ferrer: