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Creates an M vs A plot (Avg intensity vs log ratio) for a given pair of conditions across all fpkms
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An object of class 'CuffData'.
Sample name from 'samples' table for comparison
Sample name from 'samples' table for comparison
A logical argument to log10-transform FPKM values prior to plotting.
Value to be added to FPKM for appropriate log transformation and clustering. (Avoids zero-based errors)
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Logical argument whether or not to draw a smoothed line fit through data.
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Logical argument whether or not to use mean counts instead of FPKM values.
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Returns a ggplot MvsA plot object.
Loyal A. Goff and Cole Trapnell
a<-readCufflinks(system.file("extdata", package="cummeRbund")) #Create CuffSet object from sample data
genes<-a@genes #Create CuffData object for all 'genes'
d<-MAplot(genes,'hESC','Fibroblasts') #Create csDensity plot
d #Render plot