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<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file --> # chevreulShiny This package includes a set of Shiny apps for exploring single cell RNA datasets processed as a SingleCellExperiment A demo using a human gene transcript dataset from Shayler et al. (link) is available <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a> There are also convenient functions for: - Clustering and Dimensional Reduction of Raw Sequencing Data. - Integration and Label Transfer - Louvain Clustering at a Range of Resolutions - Cell cycle state regression and labeling > \[!WARNING\] chevreulShiny was designed for full-length smart-seq > based single cell data. Default settings may not be appropriate for > droplet (10x) data, though most can be adjusted. Keep in mind best > practices regarding normalization, dimensional reduction, etc. when > using. ## Installation You can install the released version of chevreulShiny from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">github</a> with: ### Install locally and run in three steps: You can install chevreulShiny locally using the following steps: ``` r install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("whtns/chevreulShiny") library(chevreulShiny) create_project_db() ``` You can also customize the location of the app using these steps: ``` r devtools::install_github("whtns/chevreul") library(chevreulShiny) create_project_db(destdir = "/your/path/to/app") ``` ## TLDR chevreulShiny provides a single command to: - construct a SingleCellExperiment object - filter genes by minimum expression and ubiquity - normalize and scale expression by any of several methods packaged in SingleCellExperiment ## Run clustering on a single object By default clustering will be run at ten different resolutions between 0.2 and 2.0. Any resolution can be specified by providing the resolution argument as a numeric vector. ``` r clustered_sce <- clustering_workflow(chevreul_sce, experiment_name = "sce_hu_trans", organism = "human" ) ``` ## Get a first look at a processed dataset using an interactive shiny app ``` r minimalChevreulApp(chevreul_sce) ```